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Funny Valentine's Day Story From Korea

I find the way in which today's generation of Koreans celebrate Valentine's Day to be quite interesting and amusing.

In Korea, Valentine's Day is reserved for women to give chocolates and other presents to their boyfriends or men they wish would become their boyfriends. Read more


Traditional Korean Marriage Advice

From Our MailBag:

Dear Dr. Kim,

Thank you for sharing the article on choosing a life partner. I am not yet married, but want to get married in the near future. Your article really helped me clarify what I should be focusing on.

I'm just curious, can you tell me about the traditional Korean view of marriage and how Korean people usually pick a spouse?

Thank you very much,

Kathy Mcleod Read more


Dr. Ben Kim's Greens: How To Take It

From Our MailBag:

Do you have recipes for Dr. Ben Kim's Greens available? I need to have some creative ways to be able to take it. Thank you! Look forward to its benefits!

- Marie W.


Thanks for your question, Marie. It's one that I've received several times in the past few weeks, so I thought I would answer it here.

First of all, let me point out that I don't recommend Dr. Ben Kim's Greens for its taste. I recommend it because I have found it to be the highest quality super green food around. As is the case with all of the other items in our recommended health tools section, my family and I take Dr. Ben Kim's Greens every day. Read more


Antidepressants Can Cause Serious Breathing Problems in Newborns

A study in the February 9, 2006 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine reports that there is a definite association between mothers taking certain antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) late in pregnancy and the risk of their babies being born with a serious condition called persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Read more


Healthy Gluten-Free Cookie Recipe


3 cups raw sunflower seeds (soaked in water overnight, drained)
10 pitted dates (soaked for 1 hour, drained)
1 cup chopped dried apricots (soaked for 1 hour, drained)
1 cup raisins (soaked for 1 hour, drained)
1 cup almond butter
1 tablespoon vanilla (optional)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)


Blend all ingredients in food processor to a nutty consistency. Roll into small balls and flatten out to about 1/4 inch thickness. Cover and refrigerate for one hour before serving. Read more


Natural Treatment For Warts

If you or someone you know can use a natural remedy for wart removal, I think that it's worth your while to try the following treatment, sent in by Charley and Judy Triplett.


Our family has something to share that works to get rid of warts.

Our young son suffered with many warts on his hands, beginning at age three, through beginning of kindergarten. There were so many warts, especially on the outside of his fingers, the children did not want to hold his hand during activities, and made fun of him. Read more


Natural Ways to Address Chronic Knee Pain

Chronic knee pain comes in three main varieties. The following is a look at common causes of pain and discomfort in and around the knee joint and some points to consider in addressing each of them:

1. Chronic, superficial pain along the inner portion of the knee joint


How to Treat and Prevent Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome is a name given to several different conditions that involve inflammation of tendons and/or ligaments in the shoulder region. Read more


Want Strong Bones and Teeth? Make Sure You Get Your Magnesium

Almost all teenagers and adults know how important calcium is to their bones and teeth. But few people know that magnesium is just as important to having strong and healthy bones and teeth.

A recent study out of the University of Tennessee and published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society points to the often overlooked relationship between dietary magnesium intake and bone density. Read more


How to Prevent Blindness and Macular Degeneration

It's no secret that age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness among the elderly in industrialized countries. It affects more than 10 percent of white adults over the age of 80, and is the number one cause of central vision loss for people 60 years of age and older in the United States. Read more

