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Easy Healthy Recipes

Pumpkin Rice Recipe

October is the perfect month to enjoy this delicious pumpkin rice dish. It calls for a cup of dried apricot and/or raisins to add just a touch of sweetness to this nutrient-dense meal.

Pumpkins are one of nature's best sources of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that can decrease your risk of developing many different types of cancer and heart disease. If you have a healthy digestive tract, your body can convert beta-carotene to vitamin A, making it an important nutrient to your immune system, skin, and eyes. Read more


Recipe for Good Blood Circulation

If you're looking to include foods in your diet that can help to promote and maintain strong and steady blood flow through your circulatory system, give this simple and delicious fig, citrus, and romaine lettuce salad recipe a try. Read more


Hot Chocolate Smoothie Recipe

When made with the right ingredients, hot chocolate can be a soothing and healthy evening drink, perfect for warming up your bones during colder months.

This recipe is rich in flavonoids and potassium, nutrients that are essential to supporting healthy heart function. Be sure to include nutmeg and cinnamon - both combine beautifully with banana and raw chocolate powder.

Ingredients: Read more


Green and Red Tomato Soup Recipe

Not sure what to do with a batch of green tomatoes that the cool fall season just isn't going to allow to turn red? Try combining them with some red tomatoes from the market, along with some fresh corn kernels, to make this delicious green and red tomato soup.

The quantities listed in the ingredients section produce approximately 6-8 small bowls of soup. Read more


Bone-Building Salad Recipe

This salad recipe is rich in a variety of minerals, including calcium and phosphorus, making it good fuel for the development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones.

Sardines are naturally plentiful in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which are also needed in your system to support your teeth and bones.

Ingredients: Read more


Berry and Cottage Cheese Salad Recipe

This salad brings together a rich blend of antioxidants, easy-to-digest protein, and cucumbers that make it cool and refreshing for after a workout or on a hot day.

Be sure to dry the berries before combining them with the dressing ingredients. Read more


Three-Tomato Salad Recipe

Tomatoes, tomatoes, and more tomatoes. This delicious salad recipe brings together three varieties of one of summer's healthiest fruits to make for a light but satisfying meal. Read more


Risotto with Peas and Basil Recipe

Looking for a delicious, dairy-free risotto? With the right amount of time and love put into this recipe, I'm willing to bet that this creamy rice dish is as good as anything ever made by Jamie Oliver or Tyler Florence.

I strongly recommend that you use fresh basil for this recipe - it really enhances and brings together the flavors of the peas, rice, and broth.

Ingredients: Read more


Tropical Smoothie Recipe

This tropical smoothie recipe calls for just four ingredients, all of which are foods that are indigenous to tropical regions. If you can't find coconut milk at your local grocery store, try an Asian food market. Most Asian markets now carry brands that contain only trace amounts of preservatives, if any.

Coconut milk contributes loads of healthy fatty acids, richness, and a wonderful coconut aroma to this smoothie.

Ingredients: Read more


Detox Juice Recipe

A freshly pressed vegetable juice that is meant to stimulate the elimination of toxins from your body should have the following properties:

1. The ability to encourage movement of waste products through your intestines.

2. The ability to encourage your digestive organs to release digestive juices that can help to optimally break down recently ingested food.

3. The ability to draw toxins out of your tissues.

With these properties in mind, here is one of the most effective detox juice recipes that I know of: Read more




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