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Raw, Organic Cashews:
One of Nature's Most Nutrient-Dense Nuts

If you want to stay as healthy as possible as you age, it's critical that you limit your consumption of pasteurized dairy products, which I believe can be a significant cause of heart disease, poor digestive tract health, a hypersensitive and weakened immune system, chronic skin challenges, chronic ear infections, and chronic sinus problems, just to name a few conditions that are strongly linked to regular consumption of pasteurized dairy.

Raw, Organic Cashews

When I design dairy-free dietary programs for clients, I often recommend eating about a handful of raw, organic cashews per day, as cashews are extremely dense in health-promoting nutrients, and their natural creaminess and sweetness make them an excellent substitute for many dairy-based foods and snacks. For example, the experience of eating apple slices dipped in freshly made cashew butter - easily made by blending up a handful of cashews in a blender or food processor - usually convinces even the most fervent lovers of dairy that life without cow's milk can still be grand.

Beyond nourishing your body with freshly made cashew butter, you can make a variety of creamy dips, sauces, and even dairy-free cheese with cashews. You can also enjoy raw, organic cashews mixed in with smoothies, cereals, and trail mixes. And of course, they're fantastic just on their own, fresh out of the bag.

When eaten on a regular basis, raw, organic cashews may have the following physiological effects:

  1. Keep your heart and blood vessels healthy by providing your cardiovascular system with a steady stream of healthy, monounsaturated fatty acids.

  2. Build and maintain strong bones and teeth by supplying your body with a rich supply of magnesium, which is just as important to the physical structure of your bones and teeth as calcium.

  3. Promote healthy blood pressure - magnesium-rich cashews can help keep your blood vessels relaxed, combating the negative effects of poor dietary choices and stress than can cause high blood pressure.

  4. Keep your nerves relaxed - this is also accomplished by magnesium, which promotes a healthy, relaxed tone in your nerves and muscles by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker.

  5. Decrease muscle cramps and soreness - also due to the high magnesium content of high quality cashews.

  6. Promote deep, restful sleep through the relaxation effect that magnesium has on your nervous system and muscles.

  7. Keep your joints, bones, and blood vessels flexible by supplying your body with significant amounts of copper.

  8. Prevent premature aging and disease by supporting the antioxidant activity of a powerful enzyme called superoxide dismutase.

The Best Raw, Organic Cashews in the World

Raw, Organic Cashews

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Raw, Organic Cashews

16 oz. pouch

List Price:
$14.95 USD

Limited Time Sale Price:
$12.95 USD

(plus S&H)

Order 3 or more and save an additional 10 percent.

These days, the leading commercial producers of raw cashews are India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Nigeria. Based on extensive research and testing of samples from all over the world, I feel that the finest raw, organic cashews in the world are grown in Brazil.

Cashews grow on the cashew tree, which is actually native to coastal areas in northeastern Brazil. As a general principle, I feel that fruits and vegetables that grow in their native lands are tastier and more nutrient-dense than their transplanted counterparts.

Cashew nuts are actually seeds that appear at the bottom of the cashew apple, which is the fruit of the cashew tree. The reason why you'll almost never see cashews in their shells in grocery stores is that the inside walls of their shells contain a caustic resin - only with careful processing can cashews be removed from their shells without contaminating them with resin.

The raw, organic Brazilian cashews that we use and provide in our natural health shop are carefully prepared at temperatures below 118 degrees Fahrenheit, which means that they're truly raw cashews that have all of their naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals intact.

Each batch is tested by a third party laboratory to ensure that our raw, organic cashews are completely free of microbial contaminants. And we vacuum-seal each package in a re-sealable pouch to ensure maximum freshness. Please note that the raw cost of these special cashews has been quite volatile over the past several months, so we can't guarantee availability or the current discounted price in the months ahead. But we will always try to stay in stock and keep the price as low as possible.

If you decide to add raw, organic cashews to your diet to promote your best health, please feel free to search the recipes archive at our main site for a bunch of recipes that call for raw, organic cashews. Though I love the recipes that call for raw, organic cashews to make dairy-free sour cream and onion dip and an unforgettable alfredo sauce, my favorite way to enjoy these raw, organic cashews is to make small batches of fresh cashew butter, and to eat the cashew butter with fuji apple slices - I find that this is an excellent evening snack that promotes a good night's rest, most likely due to the high tryptophan content of cashews.

If you're worried that eating raw, organic cashews might cause you to gain weight, I encourage you to put this worry aside. Raw, organic cashews that are unsalted don't promote overeating, and because they are naturally rich in fiber and healthy monounsaturated fats, you'll always know when you've had enough to fuel and nourish your body. I've actually found that when people include raw, organic cashews in their diets, they tend to eat less unhealthy snacks, which often contributes to normalization of body weight. If you are overweight and you eat raw, organic cashews in place of processed snacks, you'll likely lose some weight. And if you are underweight, raw, organic cashews will provide you with concentrated amounts of healthy fats and protein that may actually help you gain healthy weight if you follow an exercise program that promotes muscle growth.

Storage Tip:

It's best to store raw, organic cashew nuts in a sealed container or package. For optimal preservation of freshness, store them in the freezer. If you make your own cashew butter, be sure to store it in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.

Raw, Organic Cashews

Order Now

Raw, Organic Cashews

16 oz. pouch

List Price:
$14.95 USD

Limited Time Sale Price:
$12.95 USD

(plus S&H)

Order 3 or more and save an additional 10 percent.

Please Note: As is the case with all of the products that we use and provide at our natural health shop, if you choose to order our raw, organic cashews, I recommend that you order more than one package at a time. This is because UPS (for orders in the States) and USPS (for orders everywhere else) charge one main fee to ship any package, and then add only modest increments for each additional item. Ordering more than one item at a time will significantly reduce your per-item shipping and handling charge. This principle holds true with any combination of items that you order from our recommended products section. For example, if you order a package of one of our raw chocolate products or our goji berries along with our raw, organic cashews, then you will save significant shipping dollars per item.

If you have never tried any of our products and would just like to give one of them a try, then it makes sense to order only one item initially to make sure that you find it to be as effective as we do.

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The contents of this website are the opinions of Dr. Ben Kim unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended as personalized medical advice and is not intended to replace the relationship that you have with your primary care provider. Any decisions you make with regard to your daily choices and medical treatments should be made with the help of a qualified health care provider.