Your Best Weight
and Health
The Last
Program You'll Ever
Need to Experience Your Best Weight
Dear Reader,
Welcome to Your Best Weight
and Health, a holistic program that uses the
most advanced principles of mind-body medicine to help you
naturally experience your best weight and health.
program brings together the most effective mind-body tools
that I've used over the past 12 years to help patients from
all over the world achieve their health goals.
Before we look at the special mind-body
tools in this program, I’d like to share with you
a story that had an enormous impact on my life when I first
heard it many years ago - it’s about Roger Bannister,
the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes.
Before Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute
barrier, people felt that it wasn’t physically possible
for human beings to run a mile in under 4 minutes.
During his training sessions, Roger repeatedly
visualized himself running a mile in under 4 minutes. He
did this so often that there were moments when he felt that
he had already done it – his imagination had crossed
the border into his perception of reality. Put another way,
he created an enormously powerful belief that he would accomplish
his goal.
Ultimately, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute
mile barrier because he believed that it was possible.
The most fascinating part
of Roger Bannister’s story is that after he broke
the 4-minute barrier, it was broken 26 times the following
year. And as track and field enthusiasts know, it’s
been broken thousands of times since then.
retrospect, we can see that when Roger Bannister broke the
4-minute barrier, he also broke the collective belief that
human beings couldn’t run a mile in under 4 minutes.
When others realized that it was possible, they too,
began to believe they could do it, which led to them manifesting
their beliefs.
My point in sharing Roger Bannister’s
story is this:
The thoughts and beliefs
that you choose every moment of every day, even in your
sleep, are the main determinants of your weight and health.
As you think and believe, so you will experience.
Over time, your body becomes a printout
of the thoughts and emotions that you consistently experience.
I created Your Best Weight and
Health to help you adopt thought patterns
and beliefs that will make it natural for you to experience
your best weight and health.
This program isn’t about you surrendering
your will. You’ll be in control the entire time.
Though there will be times when you’ll
be in a deep state of relaxation, you’ll be able to
come out of it whenever you want to.
Throughout the course of this program,
I’ll be talking with you as though you were in my
office, right next to me.
And here's something that you should know
from the get-go:
This program does not emphasize
a specific diet or counting calories. In fact, aside from
one concise paragraph on calories, there's no other mention
of calories in this program. My experience has been that
counting calories does not work for the vast majority of
people, at least not in the long term.
Tools to Create Extraordinary Change...But
Not for Everyone
properly applied, the mind-body tools in this program can
change the momentum of your health and life in a powerful,
lasting way. I know this because I have seen it happen for
patients and clients from all over the world.
And on a personal note, I have used the
tools in this program to manifest every major, positive
experience of my life over the past 12 years, including
vastly improving my health, starting a family, creating
the type of practice that I believe in, and even developing
this website to share health information with others.
I recommend that you consider using
the mind-body tools in this program if:
You want to naturally move toward your
best weight without making food and diet your primary
focus in life.
You want to experience your best weight
and health.
You want to feel more emotionally balanced.
You want to feel less fear, anxiety,
and depression.
You want to feel more genuine connections
with others.
You believe that no one can take better
care of your weight and health than you.
You want to stop counting calories and
instead, enjoy a wide variety of easy-to-prepare, nutrient-dense,
and mouthwatering meals (Yes, this program comes with
a large collection of simple and delicious recipes that
call for commonly available foods that can fuel your
path to your best weight).
What Woke Me Up to the Power of
the Mind-Body Connection...
own interest in mind-body medicine began many years ago
when I was searching for answers to my own health challenges.
I stumbled upon a book that introduced me to the art of
guided visualization. One particular passage in that book
instructed me to close my eyes and imagine making and drinking
a glass of cold, tart lemon juice. When I opened my eyes
and realized that just thinking about drinking pure lemon
juice caused my mouth to water, I understood the message:
Each thought and emotion
that we experience has some physical impact on our bodies.
When I began my practice, I shared thoughts
on mind-body medicine with patients that seemed open to
a holistic approach to healing. And over the years, I have
found that people who embrace the roles that their thoughts
and emotions play in determining their overall health tend
to be the ones who experience the greatest gains with their
I eventually realized that a critical key
to achieving our health goals is to build and maintain a
foundation of emotional strength and balance to help us
consistently make the dietary and lifestyle choices that
are needed to experience our best weight and health.
Let’s face it: it doesn’t take
long to figure out what we need to do to experience our
best weight and health. The key is to consistently make
the right dietary and lifestyle choices, and this just doesn’t
happen by accident.
This program will empower
you to embrace all of the thoughts and beliefs that you
need to assure that you regularly make healthy food and
lifestyle choices, which will naturally lead to you reaching
and maintaining your best body weight and experiencing your
best health.
Your Best Weight
and Health - Program Details

The mind-body tools in this program
are split up into 3 parts, with each part on its own CD.
One - Your Best Weight and Health
disc one, we'll establish the foundation for your best weight
and health, a foundation that is based on discovering and
embracing your most important core values, and the vision
that you have for your life.
This is the foundation that you need to
move on to becoming an expert at using the connection between
your mind and body to bathe each of your cells with a healthy
balance of hormones and neurotransmitters that will help
you get to and stay at your best weight.
in part one, we'll go over one of the most important keys
to experiencing your best weight and health: Promoting
flexibility of all of your largest muscle groups.
Your ability to be physically active depends
to a large degree on how flexible you are. If your large
muscle groups are stiff, your nervous system knows this,
and subconsciously, you know that you’re more likely
to hurt than help yourself by being physically active.
When you lengthen your largest skeletal
muscles and keep them flexible over a long period of time,
you experience better blood flow to these muscles, their
tendons, and the joints that these muscles and tendons surround
and control. In turn, the sensory receptors in your joints
tell your nervous system and subconscious that you’ll
thrive while being physically active.
It’s no coincidence that the best
athletes in the world tend to exhibit incredible flexibility
of their largest skeletal muscles - Michael Jordan and Mia
Hamm are prime examples of such athletes.
The bottom line is this:
make regular stretching a top priority in your daily routine,
as getting and staying flexible will help you experience
your best weight and health more than any other type of
physical exercise will.
To help you do this, I've
included within this program specific pointers on how to
safely and effectively promote flexible muscles throughout
your body, including professionally illustrated diagrams
of the 5 stretches that I consider to be most critical to
promoting an optimally balanced and flexible body.
I worked closely
with a professional illustrator to create these diagrams,
and have presented them in the order in which they should
be performed for optimal results.
Tracks included on Disc One of this
Track 1: Introduction – The Power
of Your Mind (8:20 min)
Track 2: Clarifying Your Legacy and Core Values
(17 min)
Track 3: Stretching – Physical Movements for Your
Best Weight and Health (4:40 min)
Disc Two - Relax into Your Best
Weight and Health
two of the CD portion of this program contains an audio
track called Relax into Your Best Weight and Health
that includes powerful, groundbreaking audio technology
that serves as a backdrop to a guided relaxation experience.
Within this track, I’ll be coaching
you to adopt thought patterns and beliefs that will make
it natural for you to get to and stay at your best weight.
And to make this an experience that you'll
want to enjoy many times over, we'll be doing this essential
work at the most serene beach that you can imagine - it
will be our beach and ours alone for these sessions.
The audio technology that is included in
this track is designed to help you most effectively adopt
the thoughts and beliefs that we'll meditate on.
More specifically, the audio technology
on this track stimulates theta brainwaves. Theta brainwaves
increase receptivity for accepting new ideas and suggestions.
Please note that the technology
is powerful, and should never be used while you are driving
or doing any other activity that requires your full attention.
This track is meant to be used while you are sitting or
lying down and at rest, ideally before you go to bed.
two also contains a bonus track that was specially made
for this program - it's called Soft Ocean Dreamland,
designed to help you fall into a deep, peaceful, and refreshing
night’s sleep.
This bonus track is especially helpful for
those with chatty brains who have trouble shutting down
at night.
Soft Ocean Dreamland
encourages your brain to move from the dreamy theta state
at the end of Track 1 down into a deep delta state, where
you’ll enjoy deep sleep and healthy dreaming.
Many people report a much improved ability
to dream when they use delta brain entrainment, so don’t
be surprised if you experience the vivid dreams of your
younger days.
Tracks included on Disc Two of this
Track 1: Relax into Your Best Weight
and Health (15 min)
Track 2: Soft Ocean Dreamland (50 min)
Disc Three - A New Beginning
three of this program contains an audio track called A
New Beginning - this track will help you start
each day with a mindset that will make it natural for you
to make the food and lifestyle choices needed for you to
experience your best weight and health.
The cutting-edge audio technology
behind A New Beginning is designed to infuse you
with good energy and an alert mind, so you'll want to listen
to this track as soon as you wake up, or if it works better
for your schedule, on the way to work or school.
three also contains a bonus track called Relaxed Focus
and Attention. This bonus track provides 25 minutes
of brainwave entrainment that stimulates what's known as
SMR (sensorimotor rhythm).
SMR can result in optimal mental focus and alertness while
keeping your physiology in a relaxed state, so this track
may be useful while you work, read, or whenever you want
to experience, well, relaxed focus and attention. :)
These days, I almost never write without
listening to Relaxed Focus and Attention with a
pair of headphones - the increased focus and efficiency
that I've experienced has been significant. And yes, this
track is an excellent aid for students who can use some
help improving their focus and attention while studying.
Tracks included on Disc Three of
this program:
Track 1: A New Beginning (7:15 min)
Track 2: Relaxed Focus and Attention (25 min)
Accompanying E-Manual with Dozens
of Simple, Healthy, and Delicious Recipes

All of the material found on the three CDs
in this program can be found in written form in an accompanying
Also included
in the e-booklet is a large collection of dozens of mouthwatering,
nutrient-dense recipes that I encourage you to weave into
the journey of reaching and maintaining your best weight,
and experiencing your best health.
All of the materials in this program make
it the most holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting
optimal health that I've ever created.
As mentioned earlier, this program isn't
for everyone.
Most people fail to experience their best
weight and health because they never fully align their thoughts
and beliefs with what they really want in life, which, mind
you, isn't such an easy task; if it were, then most people
would already be experiencing their best weight and health.
If you would like focused guidance on how
to harness the power of your thoughts and beliefs to achieve
your weight and health goals, just like Roger Bannister
did in believing himself into running a mile in under 4
minutes, I invite you to let me be your personal guide through
this program.
If you make this program a part of your
life for at least the next two months, I`m confident that
you'll experience measurable improvement with your weight
and health.
Wishing you a healthy and meaningful life,
Ben Kim
here to Order Your Copy of Your Best Weight
and Health