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Sicko, by Michael Moore

If you've been reading my newsletters and blog for a while now, you've probably sensed that I really enjoy a good movie now and again.

Once in a while, I like to visit to get the latest buzz on upcoming movies.

Just yesterday, I was happy to find an article on Variety that talks about Michael Moore's upcoming documentary on the pharmaceutical industry.

This is one movie that I'm really looking forward to.

It's called Sicko, and is an inside look at the pharmaceutical industry.

It was rumoured that pharmaceutical companies started circulating internal memos more than a year ago to be on the lookout for Michael Moore and his film crews. Due to films like Roger & Me, Bowling For Columbine, and Farenheit 9/11, every big corporation in America is probably afraid of this man.

According to the article on, "reports have said that Moore is using hidden cameras in doctors' offices to expose corruption within the drug biz."

I know a thing or two about the way that pharmaceutical reps lavish big perks on their doctor clients - two members of my wife's family work for two of the biggest multi-national pharmaceutical companies in the world. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing these interactions on the big screen. Or at least on dvd in my living room. :)

Sicko is set to be released by Miramax films in the spring of 2007.


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