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Experience the Health Benefits of Real Vitamin C
from Acerola Cherry Powder

By Ben Kim, D.C.

If you want to be at your best, you need to have a reliable source of real vitamin C in your diet on a regular basis.

Real Vitamin C From Acerola Cherry Powder

Real vitamin C can be extremely helpful for:

  • Preventing hair loss

  • Promoting healthy teeth and gums

  • Protecting your skin and organs against premature aging

  • Promoting a strong immune system and preventing frequent colds and infections

  • Easing unexplained pain and swelling of your joints

  • Preventing easy bleeding or bruising

Please note that I am writing about real vitamin C.

It's a shame that the great majority of vitamin C supplements on the market are synthetic forms of vitamin C.

And synthetic forms of vitamin C are not guaranteed to provide any of the health benefits listed above. In fact, I have come to believe that most synthetic forms of vitamin C do little but tax your organs before being eliminated through your urine. It's clear to me that they're not good for your health and they're a waste of your resources.

So how do you know if the bottle sitting at your local health food store or on your kitchen counter contains synthetic vitamin C? Look at the list of ingredients. If it doesn't contain real food like acerola cherry powder or amla berries, it is almost certainly a synthetic form of vitamin C.

Most vitamin C and multivitamin supplements contain ascorbic acid or ascorbate, which is the outer ring that surrounds the real vitamin C complex. That's right - real vitamin C is a complex of several different factors, all of which must work together to keep your teeth and gums healthy, prevent hair loss, and prevent premature aging and disease.

Whole foods like acerola cherries and amla berries come with the entire vitamin C complex which can efficiently reach and nourish all of the cells of your body, providing the health benefits listed above.

For three years now, I have been using and recommending a super green food formula for promotion of optimal wellness. Our super green food formula contains a small amount of amla berry, which contains naturally occurring, real vitamin C.

Real Vitamin C From Acerola Cherry PowderAt the request of many of our newsletter subscribers who have a special need for larger doses of real vitamin C, we have worked long and hard to add a new product to our recommended health tools section. It's made out of acerola cherry powder and comes in an amber glass jar with a metal lid - the same type that our green food product comes in for optimal nutrient preservation.

Our all-natural, real vitamin C product contains the highest quality acerola cherry powder that we could find, which makes it one of nature's most concentrated food sources of real vitamin C.

Taking Real Vitamin C for Immune System Support

My wife has been using our real vitamin C product for the past few years, in addition to taking our greens and Carlson cod liver oil. She started taking this product because we wanted to provide our babies with extra support for their immune system. At our clinic and among friends and family members, we observed how difficult it was for babies to go through colds and other illnesses before their tiny bodies had a chance to build immune system strength.

We felt that concentrated doses of real vitamin C would be helpful in keeping our babies well. And we are extremely thankful that both of our boys thrived during their first year of life, and continue to grow and develop as strong and healthy individuals. Both of our sons received all of the health benefits of acerola cherries, along with our greens, cod liver oil (fish oil in the summer), and a well balanced diet through my wife's breast milk until they were 20 to 24 months old, and they continue to receive these nutrients through their diet today.

Over the past few years, I have been recommending acerola cherry powder to clients for a variety of health conditions. More specifically, I have found acerola cherry powder to be highly effective for people who experience frequent infections, dental problems, and chronic fatigue.

In working to provide a high quality source of real vitamin C to our newsletter subscribers and guests of our clinic, I had three specific goals in mind:

  1. To provide the highest quality acerola cherry powder available anywhere.

  2. To provide it in an amber glass jar with a metal lid for optimal nutrient preservation. I have found that cheap plastic bottles are not as effective as glass bottles are at keeping nutrients fresh and potent.

  3. To provide it in as large a jar as possible for maximum value. We always buy in bulk to save our resources, and strive to provide the same great value to our readers and guests.

What are the ingredients in our vitamin C product?

Product Details

1 Bottle = 500 grams / 17.63 ounces

Serving size: 1.5 teaspoon

Servings per container: up to 87

Amount per serving: 5700 mg of acerola cherry extract powder, providing 270 mg of naturally occurring food source of real vitamin C

Also contains a trace amount of maltodextrin (complex carbohydrate from corn) as a drying medium

How do you take acerola cherry powder?

Real Vitamin C From Acerola Cherry Powder

Dr. Ben Kim's Vitamin C
500 grams/17.63 ounces
Up to an 87-day supply

List Price: $32.97 USD

Our Price: $28.97 USD
Plus S&H

Order 3 or more and save 10%

Mixed with water, a fresh vegetable juice, fruit smoothie, nut milk, or with our greens.

Another important feature of this product is that you can take much more than the recommended serving size of 1.5 teaspoon if your situation requires it. Because it is made from real food - acerola cherries - and doesn't contain any synthetic nutrients, you can take as much as you need without any fear of toxicity.

Also, our acerola cherry powder is naturally buffered, meaning that it is not highly acidic and is just fine for people who find regular synthetic vitamin C supplements too acidic.

The bottom line is this: if you want to include the best quality source of real vitamin C that I know of in your health-promoting lifestyle, I highly recommend that you give this product a try. I am confident that you will find it to be as effective as my family and clients have.

Please note: our shopping cart is designed to give you real-time shipping costs from UPS for orders in the States and USPS for orders from all other locations. Both UPS and the USPS charge one basic fee to ship a package, and then add small amounts for each additional item included in the package.

For example, it costs approximately $10 to ship one bottle of Dr. Ben Kim's Vitamin C via UPS to most locations in the States. For two bottles, the cost goes up only a small amount, to about $11 - $12. For three bottles, the shipping cost is around $12 - $13. And so on and so forth.

In other words, if you can afford to do so, it makes most sense to order more than one bottle at a time, as this will provide you with a much lower per-bottle shipping cost. This is why my family orders three to six bottles at a time.

Quotes From People Who Use Our Acerola Cherry Product:

"I also have tried this product and found it very effective and easy to digest. It was interesting to notice people my age (over 50) complaining about this and that ailment and realizing that I did not have the same complaints. I felt good and happy with loads of energy. Between taking the acerola cherry powder and 100% whole food tablets, I feel very good."

- J. Richer
Toronto, ON

"I use the acerola cherry powder in smoothies and I love it. I haven't had a cold or sniffles since I started using the vitamin C powder. This is the only thing I'm doing differently, so I have to conclude that the powder is working."

- Kim Roush
Antioch, TN

"When I take this product, I remain free of current cold or flu outbreaks in my area."

- J.M.

"This is a great product and I wouldn't want to be without it. Tastes pretty good also."

- Jeannie Horn
Panama City Beach, FL

"Acerola cherry powder is a wonderful product and I feel it helps offset the things I do to my body that I shouldn't. I also make an incredible "detox" full body and facial scrub using a couple tablespoons each of Vitamin C power, Super Green Food powder and approx 1/2 cup of granulated Sea Salt mixed with a small amount of water. Makes my skin feel great and incredibly seems to take all body odor away for a couple days! I do this atleast once a week."

- N.Nelson
Glendale, AZ

"...easy to mix and has a very pleasant taste."

- K. Mitchell
Nutley, NJ

"I mix a spoonful in water along with the green food powder. It is always settling to my stomach and I really believe it helps me stay healthy!"

- M. Robb
Chandler, AZ

"On my second jar.....appears to be working well."

- J. Miller
Lancaster, PA

"I like it very much. Felt it reduced subdermal bleeding and capillary fragility I experience."

- Leahanne Lammers
Goldendale, WA

"Great taste, non acidity."

- Candy Alves
Little Compton, RI

Dr. Ben Kim's Vitamin C
500 grams/17.63 ounces
Up to an 87-day supply

List Price: $32.97 USD

Our Price: $28.97 USD
Plus S&H

Order 3 or more and save 10%

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Copyright 1997-2007 by Ben Kim

The contents of this website are the opinions of Dr. Ben Kim unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended as personalized medical advice and is not intended to replace the relationship that you have with your primary care provider. Any decisions you make with regard to your daily choices and medical treatments should be made with the help of a qualified health care provider.