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Vision Support (New) - 60 Vegetable Capsules

Price: $57.95

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Please note that this is the same blend we've always offered, but now 60 vegetable capsules per bottle, housed in a shatter-resistant PETE translucent amber prescription bottle. - Ben Kim

If you want to optimally protect your vision and decrease your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, you should know that a number of studies indicate that specific nutrients are vital to supporting the health of your eyes and improving your vision.

Some nutrients nourish the cells in your eyes and visual pathway. Other nutrients play critical roles in preventing free radical- induced damage to your retinae, which is a primary cause of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and vision deterioration.

Vision Support is a concise, professional grade blend of all of the nutrients that are known to nourish your eyes and assist the natural protective mechanisms that are at work to protect the tissues in your eyes, including your retinae.

All of the nutrients in Vision Support are derived from quality whole foods and herbs.

In short, this professional grade formula is specifically designed to help you maintain optimal eye function and prevent damage to the tissues in your eyes.

Vision Support Ingredients:

Organic Bilberry Powder - 50mg
Anthocyanins (from Black Currant Extract) - 50mg
Lutein (from Marigold Flower Extract) - 10mg
Astaxanthin (from Green Algae) - 2mg
Zeaxanthin (from Marigold Flower Extract) - 2mg

Serving Size: 1 Vegetable Capsule
Servings per Container: 60
Packaged in a shatter-resistant PETE translucent amber prescription bottle 
Free of dairy, gluten, soy, corn, eggs, shellfish, and all other common allergens
Trace amount of Nu-flow (rice fiber), an organic anti-caking agent

Lutein and Zeaxanthin from Marigold Flower Extract

Vision Support provides a special blend of lutein and zeaxanthin from marigold flower extract.

Lutein is a yellow-orange carotenoid that exists in plants to protect leaves against free radicals that are created whenever sunlight hits chlorophyll. Much in this same way, lutein acts to protect your eyes against free radicals that can cause macular degeneration and cataracts.

Zeaxanthin is another carotenoid that is found alongside lutein in green leafy vegetables and other plants. Zeaxanthin is found in high levels in the macular section of the eye, where it absorbs blue-violet light and neutralizes free radicals.

Together, lutein and zeaxanthin provide an armor-like defense for your eyes. These nutrients can help rebuild macular pigment and protect your eyes against harmful blue light. The net effect is protection against deterioration of vision.

People who have age-related macular degeneration (AMD) typically have only 60% of the total carotenoids that are found in healthy eyes. Research involving AMD patients has shown a 20% decrease in zeaxanthin levels.

Organic Bilberry Fruit Powder Plus Anthocyanins from Black Currant Seed Extract

Vision Support also includes organic bilberry fruit, which is abundant in anthocyanins and polyphenols, both groups of antioxidants that can provide significant protection against oxidative damage in your eyes. Anthocyanin content is bolstered by black currant seed extract, one of nature's richest sources of this class of antioxidants. The amount of anthocyanins in one capsule, if taken daily, can improve visual acuity at night and also ward off fatigue-related visual impairment.

Night vision may also be supported through bilberry's ability to increase regeneration of a pigment called rhodopsin, which is essential to clear night vision.

Bilberry supports healthy blood circulation in the eyes, which helps reduce eye strain and promotes healthy eye function in general.


Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that is known for its unique ability to prevent oxidation of your retinal tissues by UV rays. It provides many of the same benefits (improved blood circulation, neutralization of free radicals) as lutein and zeaxanthin, but is considered more powerful in its effects.

Vision Support includes the highest quality astaxanthin available - it is carefully extracted from algae without any chemical solvents, and is exceedingly stable.

Please click here to view the label for our Vision Support formula:



In addition to ensuring regular intake of the nutrients mentioned above, it's important to remember that your vision can be diminished by a number of factors, including poor overall health, poor food choices, lack of quality rest, lack of activity, and prolonged periods of staring.

Be sure to to review the following articles on how to promote optimal vision via simple exercises that you can perform every day:

How to Reduce Eyestrain and Promote Optimal Vision

Why Frequent Blinking is Essential for Healthy Eyes and Optimal Vision



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This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Add Your Review
Laurie Fuller on 10/23/2023 06:49pm
I have been taking Vision Support for several years. When I starting taking it 6 months be for my upcoming eye exam. During my exam the doctor looked at his assistant and said %u201Cher eye sight is much better than the last exam%u201D. He told me I no longer need glasses for driving. Thank you Dr Kim for this product. I have recommended to many others and they are as happy about their vision as I am.
Teri Boden on 10/26/2019 11:41am
My vision was getting worse and worse, so decided to give this a go (cheaper than a doc appt!!) I took 2 in morning and 2 at night for about 5-6 weeks to jump-start and then have continued 1 morning/1 night ever since. I noticed subtIe improvements but told myself it was wishful thinking. Then one evening, about month 2, I noticed the traffic lights didn't have the super star glare around them and I was convinced these were working! I am now starting month 6 and I can honestly say my distance vision has greatly improved - I see more detail than before. The ophthalmologist said I am far sighted and that if I can get away with readers I'd be better off than with a prescription. That is super for someone 64! Thank you Dr Kim!!
Suzanne Short on 05/02/2019 01:02pm
I ordered and started taking this formula mid February after noticing a change in my night vision, increasing blurriness when reading, as well as my optometrist referring me on for suspected retinal cupping.with the money-back guarantee, i felt i had nothing to lose and perhaps something to gain.i can say that now that i'm on my 3rd bottle, any thought of asking for a refund has left me.my vision is much clearer.the only print that necessitates donning a pair of reading glasses at 62 is the very fine print on some packaging or when reading in dim lighting.i'll now add the exercises and see if those instances also get better.thank you!
Jennifer Davis on 07/01/2018 01:31pm
I'm on my second bottle and I'm about to order more. This is amazing. I wear contacts and my vision has been slowly diminishing year by year. I just had my annual eye exam and this is the first year my prescription has remained the same as the previous year. If my contacts were bothering me and I switched to my glasses, I would need to keep them on while looking at my computer monitor in order to see clearly. Last week I wore my glasses once to work and I briefly removed them as I don't like the feeling of wearing them. My vision, while viewing the monitor, was just as clear as if I were wearing my glasses. I only needed to wear them when I was walking around and for driving. This is great stuff! 10/10 would recommend!
Dr. Kris on 12/10/2015 01:51pm
Great! I didn't notice a difference until my third bottle but I had to drive unexpectedly at night and no more halos, no glare, I felt safe for the first time in years. I don't wear glasses and this has really helped!!!!
Randy Lee on 07/14/2015 06:04am
I am a retired science teacher and when my optometrist told me that drusen bodies were getting bigger in my retina, I looking into what I could do to slow down or halt progression of macular degeneration.

Within one month of starting vision support I noticed that everything looked a little clearer. I feel my visual acuity has actually improved. I am excited to go back for my next eye exam and see what my optometrist has to say.

Thank you for this high quality formula.
Breaxnne Lemieux on 02/19/2014 09:26am
I stopped wearing my contacts 2 years ago, and began taking vision support about 8 months ago. My left eye improved from 6.25 to 4.50. My right eye was 4.75 and is now 3.25. I believe that with more time and following your eye exercises and acupressure, my eyes will continue to improve :) Thank you so much Dr. Ben Kim!!!
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  • A portion of all sales go toward our scholarship and bursary fund which provides financial sponsorship for aged-out orphans and other disadvantaged youth and young adults in Korea.
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