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Professional Grade Probiotic and Enzyme Blends

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Proteolytic Enzymes 150 Capsules
This professional grade proteolytic enzyme blend is designed to promote blood cleansing, optimal blood circulation, normalization of blood pressure, normalization of the inflammatory response, and normalization of the immune response.
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5.0 Out Of 5 (5.0 on 26)
$69.95 $55.95

Synbiotic Plus -  Intestinal Yeast Cleansing Formula - 180 Capsules
A professional grade blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes for intestinal cleansing - especially helpful for addressing yeast overgrowth.
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5.0 Out Of 5 (5.0 on 15)

Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Professional Line - 60 Capsules
A highly effective professional grade probiotic blend made in Japan - excellent for improving gut ecology and facilitating recovery from dysbiosis and food poisoning.
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5.0 Out Of 5 (5.0 on 6)
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  • A portion of all sales go toward our scholarship and bursary fund which provides financial sponsorship for aged-out orphans and other disadvantaged youth and young adults in Korea.
  • All prices are in US dollars.
  • If you order from outside of the United States, your customs agency may or may not apply a customs tax and applicable local sales tax(es) to your package.

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