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Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Professional Line - 60 Capsules


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How to Choose an Effective Probiotic Supplement

Conventional wisdom asserts that high quality probiotic supplements should be refrigerated to keep the bacteria alive. Based on my research and clinical experiences, I feel that the best probiotic supplements are those that contain friendly bacteria that are resilient enough to survive without refrigeration. Doesn't this make sense? If bacteria in a probiotic supplement are so fragile that they need refrigeration to survive, can you reasonably expect such bacteria to consistently make it through the acidic environment of your stomach and set up shop in the competitive arena of microorganisms in your intestines?

The best probiotic supplements do not require refrigeration. The best probiotic supplements come with food that the friendly bacteria can use to stay hardy. Since March of 2003, I have used our organic green food formula as my primary dietary source of friendly bacteria. If you are currently taking our organic greens on a daily basis, you can be confident that you are providing your body with a rich stream of health-promoting friendly bacteria.

If you are not taking our greens, and you are looking for a stand-alone probiotic supplement, I give my highest recommendation to a professional grade probiotic that is made in Japan. It's called Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Professional Line.

I first used Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic formula in the care of someone who had a severe case of ulcerative colitis. This particular person had severe inflammation of her intestines, and was unable to tolerate significant amounts of raw vegetables, which is why I didn't use our green food formula in her care. I was so impressed with the effectiveness of Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic formula in this case that I used it in the care of several other people who required significant support in rebuilding gut ecology and gastrointestinal tract health. Over time, I consistently found Dr. Ohhira's formula to be effective for addressing constipation, severe acne, food poisoning, seasonal allergies, nasal congestion, and asthma.

Here are the features that I appreciate most about Dr. Ohhira's professional grade formula:

  • 100% natural; free of preservatives, artificial additives, and coloring agents.
  • Completely free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
  • 100% dairy-free, non-GMO, hypoallergenic, and plant-centered.
  • The only liquid that is used to make this formula is pure mountain spring water.
  • Safe for infants, children, pregnant or nursing mothers, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.

Dozens of special herbs, leaves, and fruits that grow in the wild in Japan are used to make this special probiotic. The main food ingredients are:

  • Prunes
  • Goji Berries
  • Red Bayberries
  • Shitake Mushrooms
  • Japanese Mugwort
  • Maitake Mushrooms
  • Kombu Kelp
  • Pure mountain spring water

These food ingredients are combined with twelve hardy strains of lactic acid bacteria, and the entire mixture is allowed to naturally ferment for up to five years. The end result is a raw and nutrient-rich paste that includes twelve strains of friendly lactic acid bacteria, trace amounts of natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, and important byproducts of the fermentation process. These byproducts include:

  • Naturally developed organic acids (acetic, formic, fumaric, and lactic acid)
  • Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) - food that helps to keep the friendly bacteria hardy
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Bacteriocins

Each batch of raw, nutrient-rich probiotic paste is tested by Japan Food Research Laboratories. Only when it is confirmed that the raw paste has accumulated a scientifically preordained level of beneficial organic acids is the paste encapsulated. The raw paste is encapsulated in Japan by the Fuji Capsule Company Limited with a special enteric-coated material that was developed by Dr. Ohhira and Fuji. The enteric-coated soft capsules ensure optimal storage and nutrient preservation of this probiotic formula.

Suggested Use: For the first 60 capsules, best results are obtained by using a "loading dose," which amounts to 5 capsules in the morning and 5 capsules in the evening. Once through with the loading dose, 2 to 4 capsules per day are recommended, half in the morning, and half in the evening. Children under the age of 6 can take 1 capsule daily - if swallowing is an issue, you can cut the end off each capsule and squeeze out the probiotic paste.  

Please note that excessive consumption may produce a mild laxative effect. Refrigeration is not required at normal room temperatures. Avoid excessive exposure to moisture, extreme heat and cold, and direct sunlight.

Here's a look at the Supplement Facts for Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Professional Line:

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