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Proteolytic Enzymes 150 Capsules


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A Clinical Strength Formula for Improving Blood Circulation and Reducing Chronic Inflammation

If you have a health challenge that is being caused by compromised blood circulation and/or chronic inflammation, I encourage you to remember the following point:

By consistently making healthy food and lifestyle choices, including the choice to get adequate physical and emotional rest, your body's self healing mechanisms stand a good chance of restoring your health.

If you're not sure how to go about making the best possible food choices to restore your health, please have a look at our full body cleanse program - following this program for two to three weeks can be an immensely beneficial first step to recovering from many chronic health challenges.

If you are already doing the best that you can with your food and lifestyle choices and you strongly feel that your body can use extra help in restoring healthy blood circulation and normalizing inflammation, I encourage you to consider this professional grade blend of Proteolytic Enzymes.

This special blend of enzymes is designed to promote:

  • Blood cleansing

  • Optimal blood circulation

  • Normal blood pressure

  • Normal inflammatory response

  • Normal immune response

In using this professional grade blend of enzymes with clients over many years, I have found it to be particularly useful in supporting the following conditions:

  • Arthritis (Degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis)

  • Chronic inflammation within muscles, tendons, and ligaments

  • Leg cramps that are caused by poor blood circulation

  • Chronically cold fingers and toes, including Raynaud's Syndrome

  • Chronic indigestion, marked by excessive gas production and abdominal discomfort

  • Most stages of fibrosis, particularly pulmonary fibrosis

  • High blood pressure

Most health conditions that are accompanied by inflammation can be objectively marked by two blood tests: ESR - short for Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, and CRP - a more sensitive and accurate marker for inflammation, and short for C-Reactive Protein.

Our Proteolytic Enzyme formula safely and effectively normalizes inflammation in the body as it promotes optimal blood circulation and blood cleansing - this normalization in inflammation can be objectively marked by testing C-Reactive Protein levels before and after taking this formula for a fair trial period - in most cases, I recommend three to six months as a trial period.

The effectiveness of this Proteolytic Enzyme blend lies mainly in its ability to breakdown a substance called fibrin, which is a substance that is produced by your body whenever you have to make and lay down scar tissue.

Fibrin is the main component of scar tissue that is created whenever your body has to heal an injured area.

In some cases, like a badly sprained ankle, some amount of scar tissue is useful for promoting stability, but in most cases, particularly those involving your muscles and organs like your heart and lungs, you don't want excessive fibrin being laid down.

You do want inflammation to occur whenever there is injury to a blood vessel or any other tissue, as inflammation is essential to proper repair of injured tissues, but you want the inflammation to occur in a controlled and efficient manner - this is what our Proteolytic Enzyme blend is designed to facilitate.

Here's a list of the enzymes that are included in our Proteolytic Enzyme formula:

Nattokinase - this fibrin-digesting enzyme is often used to:

  • Eliminate extraneous amounts of fibrin from the body

  • Promote normal blood viscosity (blood texture and flow)

  • Promote good overall cardiovascular health

Serrapeptase (Serratiopeptidase) - this protein-digesting enzyme is often used to:

  • Activate plasmin, a naturally occurring enzyme in the body that helps to break down fibrin

  • Promote muscle recovery after intense physical activity or injury

  • Boost energy

Ubiquinone (Pharmaceutical-Grade Co-Q10) - this coenzyme is often used to:

  • Facilitate energy (ATP) production

  • Decrease proliferation of free radicals

  • Promote maintenance of normal cardiovascular function

Amla - sourced from gooseberries, this enzyme is thought to:

  • Provide healthy tone to the nervous system

Bromelain - this protein-digesting enzyme is derived from pineapple and is thought to:

  • Promote healthy skin and a healthy immune system

Papain - this is also a protein-digesting enzyme that is often used to:

  • Reduce bloating and promote good digestion

  • Facilitate recovery from bruises and other tissue injuries

Rutin - this flavonoid component of the vitamin C complex is thought to:

  • Promote healthy blood vessels

  • Maintain connective tissue strength throughout the body (bones, teeth, capillaries)

Magnesium - this coenzyme/mineral is known to:

  • Help build and maintain healthy teeth and gums

  • Promote normal blood pressure

  • Promote good overall cardiovascular health

All of these components of our Proteolytic Enzyme formula are derived from vegetable or microbial sources, and great care is taken to ensure optimal purity and potency of each batch.

Some other important features of our Proteolytic Enzyme formula:

  • Doesn't put burden on digestive organs. In fact, the digestive enzymes that are included in this formula are often instrumental in improving digestion of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

  • Non-toxic - doesn't put stress on your liver like most prescription and over-the-counter drugs do.

  • Suitable for vegans.

  • Also contains protease and lipase, enzymes that help digest protein and fat.

  • Most enzymes formulas contain about 1,000 to 2,000 fibrinolytic units (FU's). Our formula provides 15,000 FU's per serving, and potency is guaranteed for at least two full years.

***Addendum April 2011***

Our proteolytic enzymes are now encapsulated in "Acid Armor" capsules. Acid Armor capsules are designed to break down slowly, allowing for a more controlled release of the capsule's contents. These new capsules offer protection from the acidic pH of the stomach without the use of potentially harmful chemicals such as those found in enteric coatings. Acid Armor capsules have no added components; their action is the result of smarter design. The capsules contain thicker and stronger vegetable cellulose in addition to a tighter locking fitting mechanism, in order to prevent premature leakage of the capsule's contents.

Though it is known that certain enzymes will slowly lose their potency over time when introduced to acid, it's a myth that these enzymes simply "die" as soon as they come into contact with acid. Animal derived enzymes are extracted from the pancreas, and are released below the stomach. These enzymes do not naturally come into contact with the acidic environment of the stomach based on the animal's anatomical make-up. Knowing this fact, it makes sense why companies that manufactured products using these animal derived enzymes protected them with enteric coatings. However, times have changed and it is now known that many of the best enzymes for human supplementation are derived from microbial and vegetable (fruit) sources that are not nearly as susceptible to acid as their animal-derived predecessors.

A capsule taken on an empty stomach will come into contact with an acidic environment with little to no standing acid, and will pass through this acidic environment in as little as 20 minutes. This short time-frame is of little concern based on the fact that a typical vegetable capsule takes anywhere from 10-20 minutes to break down in this environment, leaving the enzymes in acid for only a short period of time, if any. There are of course situations where the capsule does not leave the stomach for a longer time-frame, which is why we are now using Acid Armor capsules.

What makes Acid Armor different from an enteric coating?

Acid Armor capsules were created with human physiology in mind as opposed to lab tests. Phthalates (plastics) are common chemicals used in the enteric coating process. The FDA has deemed many of these chemicals as safe for human consumption, yet their use in manufacturing toys and other plastic items is banned in the EU, Mexico and China. If they are banned from the manufacturing process of toys due to reports that they may have unhealthy effects on humans, it seems fairly clear that ingesting them would lead to a similar result. Enteric coatings are tested for their ability to withstand acid for hours, even though the average time needed to pass through the acidic stomach when empty is between 20-45 minutes. Acid Armor capsules are designed to break down slowly, but still release in the duodenum, located directly below the stomach. This creates an enhanced absorbency period while still providing enough protection to maximize potency. A typical vegetable cellulose capsule will break down while still in the stomach, while Acid Armor capsules are designed to rapidly break down after the stomach empties.

Some products utilize enteric coated powders, which can contain the same harmful chemicals as those used to coat capsules and tablets. By only coating a certain enzyme or other material, the other components of the product are left susceptible to the very same acidic conditions they claim to be protecting the other's from after the unprotected capsule breaks down. Rather than selectively choosing which enzymes to protect, Acid Armor capsules protect their entire contents.


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on our Proteolytic Enzyme blend

Q. Can I take this formula along with other supplements?

A. Yes, it's fine to take the enzymes in this formula along with vitamin and mineral supplements. In many cases, the enzymes in this formula can enhance the effectiveness of vitamin and mineral supplements.

Q. Can I take this formula along with prescription drugs?

A. It's best that you check with your physician. Generally, the enzymes in this formula are safe to take with over-the-counter and prescription drugs, except for those that interfere with your blood coagulating mechanisms. Because these enzymes improve blood viscosity, it's always best to consult with your physician if you are on an anti-coagulant.

Q. Are there any other circumstances in which I can't take this Proteolytic Enzyme blend?

A. Large scale studies have not been performed on pregnant and lactating women, so if you belong in this group, it's best that you consult with your physician on the appropriateness of taking this formula.

Q. I don't have any health problems, but I've heard that taking enzymes is good for disease prevention - is this true?

A. In a perfect world where soil quality is good and you're consistently eating foods that are naturally rich in enzymes, you probably wouldn't need the digestive enzymes in this formula.

Generally, most people will benefit from taking the systemic (nattokinase, serrapeptase, and ubiquinone) and digestive enzymes in this formula, as they're needed for virtually every biochemical process that occurs in our bodies.

If you feel that your health can be improved by this formula, you can give it a try and measure your C-Reactive Protein level via a simple blood test before and after your trial period, and assess these numbers and how you feel to determine whether you should continue.

Q. Do you personally take this Proteolytic Enzyme Blend?

A. Yes, I started experimenting with this formula about a year ago when a friend asked for some guidance with a family member's health condition. I was impressed by the research behind these enzymes, particularly the systemic ones (nattokinase, serratopeptase, and ubiquinone), so I started taking it for preventive reasons.

I haven't tested my C-Reactive Protein levels, but I have noticed that I can improve (shorten) recovery time between heavy hitting sessions (tennis) by increasing my intake of this formula.

These days, I typically recommend this formula to people who are looking to overcome conditions that involve compromised blood circulation and/or chronic inflammation.

Q. How many capsules are in each bottle and how many should I take?

A. There are 150 capsules per bottle. For preventive purposes, two capsules per day is a good amount for most adults.

For specific conditions like fibrosis, atherosclerosis, fibroids, and most autoimmune illnesses that have a strong inflammatory component, I generally recommend starting with two capsules daily, and gradually increasing to six capsules daily over the course of a week.

Once your symptoms improve, you can reduce intake on a gradual basis until you arrive at a maintenance dose that helps you maintain the quality of life you're looking for. For most adults who are looking to manage an existing condition, one to two capsules daily is a good maintenance dose.

Capsules can be taken with or without meals, but I have found that best results tend to come when they are taken on an empty stomach.

For severe cases of chronic inflammation, such as late-stage fibrosis, one can even try going up to six to nine capsules per day until improvement occurs, then gradually reduce to a maintenance dose.

Please click here for a look at the label for our Proteolytic Enzyme formula:


More Answers to Questions about using our Proteolytic Enzyme Formula:

Q.You mentioned osteoarthritis, but not rheumatoid arthritis. I'm wondering if this will be effective in helping to reduce the swelling in my joints from RA?

A. Yes, I found this formula to be quite helpful to folks who suffer with metabolic arthritides, including RA. For a severe flare-up, I recommend going with six tablets a day until the inflammation subsides. One to two capsules per day is typically a good maintenance dose after inflammation gets to a level where it isn't affecting activities of daily living.

Q. I am using your green food formula and feel improvement in energy, but I need extra help with my blood circulation and joint pain. Can I take the new formula in place of the greens?

A. If I had to choose just one formula and my primary goal was to improve blood circulation, I would go with the Proteolytic Enzyme blend. Our green food formula provides a better overall nourishing effect since it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, but the Proteolytic Enzymes are second to no other natural remedies that I'm aware of for improving blood circulation.

The strength of this formula comes mainly from the ability of serrapeptase and nattokinase to break down fibrin, thereby normalizing inflammation and improving blood viscosity.

Q. How much serrapeptase, nattokinase, and ubiquinone are in this formula?

A. Per capsule:

15,000 FU of our systemic and lypolytic enzyme blend (serrapeptase, nattokinase, and lipase).

The fibrinolytic activity of this formula is what makes it as effective as it is at normalizing inflammation and improving blood circulation.

Please note: Because this is an all-natural formulation and not a prescription drug, none of the information presented here has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our Proteolytic Enzyme Formula is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Add Your Review
Milia Ziegler on 10/05/2019 03:34pm
Just like everyone else says, the difference once I started taking these regularly (1 pill, twice a day) was amazing! I have severe cervical disc herniations as well as a painful, healing torn ankle ligament and knee pain from being pulled by a dog. The pain caused by EVERY ONE of these problems has either disappeared or been greatly reduced. Thank you SO very much, Dr. Kim!! Is there nothing you can't do ;-) ?!
Jeanine Clifford on 08/15/2019 08:01pm
I'm a 64 year old woman who still enjoys playing singles tennis. I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees and have continued playing but would need to take a Celebrex every time I played if I didn't want to have pain during the match or at least immediately afterwards. I like to play about 5 times a week and when I would get up in the night, I would be SO stiff I could barely walk and would always think to myself - Why am I doing this? I need to take a break from daily tennis to avoid the pain and stiffness. I started taking these capsules because I was looking for something to relieve leg and foot cramps. I didn't realize all of the other benefits of these enzymes until I had already received the bottle and read the reviews. I've been taking them for 3 weeks now and I can't believe I haven't even THOUGHT about taking a Celebrex. My husband and I have been playing tennis 6 days straight now on vacation this week and I am not stiff at night or when I get up from sitting a while after having played, have no pain during or afterwards and am just amazed at the transformation of my joints! I feel like my knees are in perfect condition! I really can't quite believe it and am so grateful to have found these enzymes! I've never taken any supplements that totally alleviated all of my osteoarthritis symptoms. And these work even better than the prescription drug, Celebrex, because when that wears off, I'm right back where I started. And my gastroenterologist had recently told me I needed to stop taking any NSAIDs like Celebrex. I had no idea I could ever feel so good without them! Thank you, Dr. Kim!!!
Cathy Chamberlain on 02/11/2019 10:45am
Not sure how it works, but I have Severe Spinal Stenosis and back degeneration and in 2016-2017 had severe Sciatica that ended up with epidural treatments that helped the worst part but not all of my Sciatica. I saw someone's review that these enzymes helped this condition for them, and so I tried them. My leftover/sometimes Sciatica pain went away. When I ran out, I decided to see what would happen, and my Sciatica started to return each time I did. So now I will not let myself run out! I know it also helps my nerve damage achyness also. This stuff is wonderful.
Jeannie on 12/23/2018 11:29am
Later year I started a ketogenic food program. Several weeks into it, I had lost a good bit of weight, and the pain in my body reduced. I had energy and brain activity that was much improved. The problem was, I began itching all over and developed a rash. Throughout the night and often during the day, the itching would become so intense I was tormented and embarrassed by it. I learned that this had to do with detoxing but it wasn't going away. I actually considered going back to my previous way of eating. I read somewhere that proteolytic enzymes can be helpful for this type of Keto rash as it is called. I put the bottle by my bedside and took two every night. When I woke up in the night, I would take another two. Within days the itching was gone and has not come back. Occasionally, when I overdo it with food I will wake up feeling horrible. These enzymes help my gut to recover more quickly, although I understand it is counterproductive to mistreat my body and expect a pill to fix it. They certainly have gone a long way to helping me feel my best when paired with proper eating, movement, as well as keeping emotional spiritual health balanced and vibrant. I believe at 55 years old my best years are ahead of me. Thank you Dr. Kim for being a trustworthy source of reliable products, along with wise and intelligent advise. The green powder, Vitamin C powder, and Whole Food Multi supplements are also part of my daily routine.
Noreen Wilkins on 02/05/2018 11:29am
Dear Dr. Kim, My husband had purchased my second bottle of this product and I swear it's a god send. I also found another reason to continue taking this product. Another benefit I didn't know that was directly related to taking these enzymes were my sinuses. I have hayfever which often leads to sinusitis because they can't drain and they become infected. I have breathing issues all year long, even in the winter. I have found that this specific product has benefited my condition. I wanted to share with you this link and for others who may suffer from the same condition. Again, thank you Dr. Kim for recommending this product to me.
Michele Rollins on 01/13/2018 12:39pm
I started taking these recently and in 5 days I noticed an overall sense of well-being. I didn't realize that my severe knee pain was also improved. I normally take 2 ibuprofen in the morning and 2 at bedtime. And if I miss a dose I know it! The other evening as I was getting ready for bed I realized that I had not taken my morning ibuprofen. Normally the pain would get my attention by at least noon to let me know I had forgotten it. But not so. I only take 2 of the enzymes each morning now, but am going to increase to 3 or 4 and see if I can improve my knee pain even more. I've been looking for something to allow me to get off the ibuprofen; this just may do the trick. This is certainly a product I will continue to use and recommend to others (already have!).
Noreen Wilkins on 01/01/2018 03:16pm
I have taken this product for all most the last two month. I have osteoarthritis in my neck. I wanted to get of NSAIDS and was looking for an alternative. Dr. Kim had suggested Proteolytic Enzymes. I searched health food stores and on-line supplements. I could not find Nattokanise and Serapatese together.

In nearly two months, my results have been short of a miracle. I still have stiffness but the degree of discomfort is short of a miracle. I was even thinking of going to the Laser Spine Inst. for my neck problem. I have faith that as long as I continue to take this product and to monitor and improve my diet, I won't even think of my osteoarthritis because my pain which was about a twelve is now about a two !!

I intend to purchase another bottle very soon. Thank you Dr. Kim for you advice on this product. I really love it and I'm sure I'm getting all kinds of health benefits taking these enzymes which most of us need anyway. I am very happy with this product and advise anyone with arthritis or joint pain to add this to your diet.
Joe on 11/03/2016 10:43am
I find this product to help me with my joint pain. I had one hip replacement done and the other one was hurting, I don't feel the pain I did before. I feel it's getting better I also have been taking the Greens as well. Thank you, Dr. Kim, for bringing All organic products to our health. If it wasn't organic, I would not have tried it.
kimberly on 06/24/2016 03:54pm
I have been using this formula and the Synbiotic Plus together for a few years now and continue to swear by them. I also use the Organic Coconut Oil and Cod Liver capsules. I still find that these are the best on the market!
David Recor on 05/08/2016 09:25pm
This product is really high quality. You feel the results of taking it very quickly. I bought it to help with some general health support and to see if it reduced some minor pains that I have. One surprise is that it seems to help my allergies. I still have to take some allergy supplements, but I notice a huge positive difference. I think this is a great product for supporting general health, I recommend it heartily! :-)
Jean Drott on 05/05/2016 03:43pm
I suffer from RA, and have been taking Proteolytic Enzymes for 1 month. I am amazed! The swelling, redness, and pain in my knuckles has improved. My recent blood test for RA Factor was 217 points lower after taking enzymes for 2 l/2 weeks! I started dose of 3 caps before breakfast and 3 caps before dinner. I am now taking 2 am and 2 pm. Thanks be to God and Dr. Ben Kim.
Sue Plezia on 05/05/2016 01:53pm
I take 3 capsules every morning. Heart disease runs in my family, but my naturopath says that I've kept my heart really healthy.
Felicia B. on 05/05/2016 01:10pm
I've been taking the proteolytic enzymes since February 2016, and had bloodwork done before taking them. I just recently had bloodwork done to see if there was any improvements, but there were none. My homocysteine, lipids, and blood pressure levels are still abnormal.
Jim W. on 03/09/2016 11:23am
My wife has RA, and for years woke up with pain and stiffness in her hands every morning. After taking this product for a couple of months, the pain and stiffness has gone and has never returned. She takes 3-4 capsules per day.
Mary Clark on 10/22/2015 01:05am
I have a daughter with psoriasis. Would this help her. Mary, these enzymes may help indirectly by supporting blood circulation and reducing unnecessary fibrin in the body. But long term, it's important to look at vitamin D status, gut health, dietary triggers like dairy and gluten, and emotional health status. You can do a search at our site for autoimmune illness for more guidance. Good luck. - Ben Kim
jacqui on 07/27/2015 12:39am
Excellent product. Reduces autoimmune disease inflammation and pain .
k pepera on 07/26/2015 06:34pm
I've been using these enzymes for a couple of years now and my joint pain and inflammation is literally gone
This product works!
Meagan B on 12/30/2014 01:35pm
I am on my 2nd bottle of the proteolytic enzymes and I love this product. I suffered from bad GERD and digestive issues. It has helped me immensely. So happy to have found this. Will continue to purchase.
Simone on 11/22/2014 01:07pm
I am a relatively healthy 57 yr old with poor blood circulation in my extremities. My fingers and toes would turn white even if I had the fridge door open too long. This is a gift from my late father :) I started taking this product for that reason and it has helped 100%. I love all of the Dr. Kim's products I have tried including the Synbiotic plus. As my husband and I recently moved into a new area and hence a new Dr., I had blood work done recently. The doctor said after receiving the results, "I don't know what you are doing, but keep it up. Your blood work is EXCELLENT!!" That's added confirmation to me that this is an excellent product. Thank you Dr. Kim.
Susan Y. on 03/11/2014 01:37pm
I had abnormal INTENSE (level 7-8) burning pain in my entire pelvic area after a D & C /hysteroctomy procedure. @ 30 days the Dr. just wanted to give me pain pills w/no idea what the root problem was. The next "specialist" thought it was related to fibroids and wanted to do a hysterectomy ASAP (which I have but they never had caused "burning" pain before the D&C). I started the enzymes (worked up to 6 a day). THANK GOD @ 4 weeks on them and 2 months of horrible pain, the pain finally has subsided to a level 1-2. I'll continue them, w/ Myomin, and cleansing diet to help restore my health, reduce fibroids (estrogen dominance) with hopefully the added side effect of curing my lifelong cold feet and hands too. THX U Dr. Kim!!
A.N. on 08/15/2013 03:27pm
The Proteolytic Enzyme helped my inflammation so much. I went to chirp. had MRI done and everyone said inflammation was causing pain not nerves. I was taking 3 to 4 advil a day to function and was worried about level damage from it if used long term. I read about your Proteolytic Enzymes and gave it a try within 2 weeks I felt a hugh difference and take no over the counter pain meds now.
gailmarie on 01/18/2011 03:25pm
I started taking Proteolytic Enzymes after I had surgery on my (L) elbow for nerve entrapment and began experiencing inflammation symptoms and a lower immune system. Tested and found negative for most systemic diseases, I still felt out of whack. I can honestly say that these enzymes were tremendously beneficial to me in controlling my inflammation and allowing me to feel more like myself. I take a daily dose of two capsules and feel good. I highly recommend this.Thank you so much Dr. Kim for bringing these natural products to the fore and giving us such healthy alternatives!!!
Vanessa on 01/10/2011 08:35pm
High blood pressure runs in my family on my fathers side. I remember him being on high blood pressure meds since he was about 50. I turned 50 and my blood pressure became dangerously high. I started taking ace inhibitors which worked but I didn't want to be on a prescription med permantly. My husband found Dr Ben Kim's website. I ordered these along with the green food and cod liver oil pills and slowly weaned myself off of the ace inhibitors. I have to say my blood pressure is lower than when I was on prescription meds and even get 110/60 readings at times. That is awesome for somebody that was 190/85 one year ago. I also feel great. I highly recommend this product.
Michael Abernathy on 08/22/2010 09:16pm
I ordered these enzymes for my torn deltoid muscle and it has helped a lot! Before I got on these enzymes my shoulder was stiff and hard. I couldn't move it over 90 degrees and had outrageous pain due to fibrin build up. After just 1 month i could move my shoulder about 75% better and had a lot more moving ability. I highly suggest this product!
Nanci on 06/10/2010 01:40pm
I started taking the Proteolytic Enzymes right after my hysterectomy to be proactive with scar tissue. I do believe it has helped immensely!
Dr. Kim, I was wondering if taking it with DIM-(Diindolylmethane) which is an estrogen metabolizer is counter productive??
Molly Gentry on 01/28/2010 02:00pm
I ordered Proteolytic Enzymes for my 17 year old daughter, Katelynn, because she has Chronic Lyme disease. Her blood had become thick and full of fibrin, and she was getting so sick so often with horrible meningitis-like symptoms and fever as high as 105.8....that is seriously dangerous. The spirochetes can morph into cysts made of fibrin, so I needed a product with serrapeptase and nattokinase to break down the nasty things.

THIS PRODUCT WORKED, AND NOW THE TEASEL ROOT TINCTURE THAT ALSO HELPS TO DRIVE SPIROCHETES INTO THE BLOOD STREAM IS ABLE TO CIRCULATE BETTER AND REALLY DO THE JOB! Katelynn has been well enough to attend school for WEEKS instead of just two or three days a week, and it is all thanks to this product. She looks so vibrant and healthy, too, and has so much more energy.


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