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Maximize Your Height


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This 98-page downloadable special report provides concise instructions on what children and young adults (up to early to mid 20's) can do on a daily basis to grow as tall as possible. The instructions in this special report are based on basic physiological principles, and require no special tools or procedures to help a child or young adult maximize his or her height. This special report includes:

  1. A concise outline of the four keys to growing as tall as your genetics will allow.
  2. A comprehensive list of the most important nutrients that are needed for optimal bone growth.
  3. A comprehensive list of healthy foods that are naturally rich in the nutrients that are most needed for bone growth.
  4. Sample meals that provide a balanced approach to obtaining the nutrients needed for maximal bone growth.
  5. Specific instructions on stretches and exercises that are essential to supporting optimal bone growth.

This special report comes with a bonus recipe section that contains dozens of healthy recipes from Your Best Weight and Health.

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Please note: once you have purchased a downlodable file, it will be accessible in the Downloads section of your account for 40 days.

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Please Note
  • A portion of all sales go toward our scholarship and bursary fund which provides financial sponsorship for aged-out orphans and other disadvantaged youth and young adults in Korea.
  • All prices are in US dollars.
  • If you order from outside of the United States, your customs agency may or may not apply a customs tax and applicable local sales tax(es) to your package.

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