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Natural Health Solutions

Simple Tips to Keep Your Nervous System Healthy

I recently worked with a client whose chief complaint was muscle weakness. More specifically, he was concerned with his increasing tendency to drop light objects at work and home. He wasn't a clumsy person by nature, so he found it puzzling that he frequently experienced momentary flashes of grip weakness.

A thorough neurological evaluation was mostly unremarkable. The only noteworthy findings were as follows: Read more


Understanding and Overcoming Chronic Depression

Have you ever considered the possibility that if you are depressed, you should be?

Popular media and our society in general tend to teach us that it is normal to be perpetually happy. But is it normal to be happy all of the time? Read more


How Do You Know That You Are Depressed?

What’s In A Diagnosis?

How do you know that you are depressed? Is it just plain obvious to yourself and those who are closest to you? Did a doctor diagnose you with depression? Read more


Mind-Body Exercises to Help You Transcend Chronic Depression

What follows are a series of questions and exercises that are intended to strengthen your capacity to deal with life circumstances that can cause chronic depression. I encourage you to work on no more than one exercise per day to give yourself ample time to consider the thoughts and feelings that each exercise brings up for you. Read more


How to Prevent the Formation of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged and often swollen veins that can become visible under the skin of your legs. Prevention of varicose veins best begins with understanding how your veins work. Read more


Action Steps To Prevent Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

According to the World Book Encyclopedia, the average adult human body contains approximately 96,500 kilometers (60,000 miles) of blood vessels. This means that if you were to attach all of your blood vessels together end to end, they could wrap around the Earth almost two and a half times. Read more


Maximize Your Height: Four Keys to Growing as Tall as Your Genetics Will Allow

In the summer of 2004, a guest of our clinic asked me what he could do to maximize his height using natural methods. At that time, he was still in his early 20s and aspired to play professional baseball. Read more


7 Keys To Overcoming Autoimmune Illness

Are you looking for effective and concise guidance on how to overcome autoimmune illness?

If so, I hope that my comprehensive and interactive program on overcoming autoimmune illness will give you all of the knowledge and support that you need to turn your health around. Read more




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