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The Magic of Minimalism

One of the great frustrations of my childhood was my father's hoarding disorder. Even today at 82 years of age, despite our mother's many requests to slowly donate his countless stacks of heavy textbooks to a local theological seminary, he refuses to take action. As is typical with those who have a serious hoarding problem, he hasn't opened the vast majority of his mountain of books in many years. Read more


How We Measure Success

A while back, I stumbled upon the following priceless commercial that aired in Malaysia over the Chinese New Year holiday several years back. Most of it is painfully familiar to Asians of my generation and I'm guessing to many from other cultures as well. The closing scene never fails to leave me with a heavy lump in my chest.

I hope you have a chance to enjoy this lovely look at some of the different types of success that we can experience in this world: Read more


Dr. Kai-Fu Lee on the Future of Artificial Intelligence and 10 Jobs Safe From Displacement by Automation

According to Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, the nature of artificial intelligence is such that it will not be able to do the following:

  • Accomplish complex work that requires precise hand-eye coordination.

  • Create, conceptualize, or manage complex strategic planning.


See Joseph Gordon-Levitt Play Music With People He's Never Met

The end result is beautiful. :) Read more


The Healing Power of Empathy

Last week, I mentioned a video on how Koreans of different ages and life circumstances reacted to meeting a young Korean lady with vitiligo.

The clip below shows the older lady who was courageous enough to honestly say that she could not accept someone with such a visible issue as her daughter-in-law. I received a few messages from readers who expressed empathy for this view.

I agree that she should be respected for honestly expressing her stance - it's perfectly understandable. Read more


Look Up

Please take a few minutes to watch the following and then unplug and look up. Thank you Gary Turk. Read more


Death Gives Life Meaning | With Alex Honnold

I've been following Alex Honnold for a few years now, always inspired and terrified by his free solo climbing pursuits. Read more


Love Liberates

I am deeply grateful to have Maya Angelou to turn to whenever I need an injection of all that is good in life. Morning and night, even if I don't have much else to meditate on, I remember this from Maya:

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Thank you for all that you gave us, Maya. Thank you. Read more


The world responds really well to those who take responsibility and give away credit. - Seth Godin

Many thanks to Tom Bilyeu and Seth Godin for this inspiring conversation.

As Seth says, "the world doesn’t respond well to hustlers; (people) don't like being hustled. The world responds really well to people who take responsibility and give away credit."

For more of Seth's thoughts on conscious living, you can visit:

Seth's Blog Read more


Being A Korean American Adoptee

Learning of Danielle's journey thus far broke the levees of my tear ducts like few other experiences have.

To connect with Danielle on Instagram, please visit: Read more




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