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The Business of Being Born: A Must-See Documentary for Expectant Parents

My wife and I haven't agreed on every little thing over the years, but there is one thing that we have always agreed on: the best experiences of our lives so far have been the home births of our two sons.

I still remember both home births as though they occurred a few hours ago.

Margaret's labor with our firstborn was about six hours long. With the help of three midwives, we sweated and huffed and puffed our way through every hour. And I mean we.

About halfway through the labor, I distinctly remember thinking, I'll never say no to this woman again...whatever she asks for from now on, my answer will be yes. I know this is a bit of a funny thought to have had while she was crushing my hands during each wave of contractions, but the point that shouldn't be missed is this: I felt some serious respect and awe for my wife as I witnessed her giving birth to our firstborn. Read more


The Empowerment Plan

Imagine a warm winter coat that unfolds at its bottom to tranform into a full sleeping bag. This survival tool is at the heart of The Empowerment Plan, a Detroit-based nonprofit organization that hires homeless women from local shelters to make this coat, which is gifted to homeless people with no strings attached. Read more


Earthlings: A Devastating Documentary on Humanity's Lack of Respect for Other Living Creatures

This post was originally published in March, 2007.

It is with sadness that I write this blog entry. I just finished watching a documentary called Earthlings that contains the most abominable acts of cruelty towards animals that I have ever seen. Read more


Giving Is The Best Communication

I know it's just a commercial, but it gives me goosebumps every time. Giving really is the best communcation. Hope you have a look here: Read more


Aaron Collins' Final Wish

Just stumbled upon the story of Aaron Collins' final wish to have his family leave a waiter or waitress an unforgettable tip. As Aaron's family has shared via major media outlets, few life experiences bring as much fulfillment as offering a gift to a stranger without expecting something in return. Read more


Finding Your Unique Life Purpose

One of my favorite movies is Unbreakable, a film by M. Night Shyamalan. What I love most about this film is its suggestion that if you are not doing what you are meant to be doing with your life, you will wake up each morning with a little sadness in your heart.

I realize that every person's life is made up of countless conscious and subconscious experiences, and that it can be self-limiting and even depressing to think that there's just one thing that each of us are meant to do really well. Read more


Eating Mercifully - A Documentary that Explores Christian Perspectives on Factory Farming

Eating Mercifully is a short documentary that explores Christian perspectives on the cruelty inflicted upon millions of factory farmed animals in our world every day.

A trailer for Eating Mercifully, produced by The Humane Society of the United States, can be viewed below.

Warning: Some of the footage in this documentary is devastating, so please view it without children present before making a decision on who you'd like to share this trailer with. Read more


Goonda: A Video on Operation Shanti, by Reel Youth

Last week, I received a 15-minute video on Operation Shanti called GOODNA, which was produced by a not-for-profit Canadian organization called Reel Youth.

GOODNA provides an up-close look at some of the street children that Operation Shanti has been reaching out to.

Please feel free to view GOODNA here: Read more




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