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Healthy Soups

Nourishing Kale and Chickpea Soup Recipe


Photo above by Shelby

Kale is a member of the cabbage family, and is an excellent source of the full vitamin C complex, and cancer-fighting carotenoids. It's also a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, and potassium.

Chickpeas are one of the least expensive, nutrient-rich foods that you can eat. They're rich in a number of nutrients, most notably folate, manganese, tryptophan, copper, iron, and of course, healthy protein. Due to their high tryptophan content, chickpeas are an excellent food choice for people who have trouble getting restful sleep. Read more


Strengthen Your Immune System With Oyster and Crimini Mushroom Soup


If you're a believer in making every mouthful of food count in nourishing your cells from the inside-out, this oyster and crimini mushroom soup should be right in your wheelhouse.

Oyster and crimini mushrooms are abundant in vitamins B-1, B-2, niacin, and folate, plus a number of minerals including calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc. Combine these nutrients with the wide range of minerals and fatty acids in homemade broth, and you have the perfect meal for nourishing your digestive tract, immune system, and skeletal system. Read more


Roasted Cauliflower and Potato Soup - A Digestive Tonic


Updated on January 27, 2019

To make soup that your family and friends will rave about, all you need are a handful of wholesome ingredients: two heads of cauliflower, a couple of Yukon gold potatoes, two shallots or a yellow onion, and a fresh bunch of any favorite herb.

As with most soups that include a healthy portion of cooked Yukon gold potatoes, I find that this soup is consistently helpful to those with an inflamed stomach or colon. Read more


How to Make Nourishing and Flavourful Soups and Stews


In Korean cuisine, most meals are served with some type of soup or stew, and those who are familiar with Korean food know that these soups and stews pack a lot of flavour. Read more


Korean Miso Stew Recipe Pictorial


Snapshot of Korean miso stew made with enoki mushrooms and green pea shoots on August 3, 2016. Once you are comfortable with miso, you should feel free to include any vegetables you like.

Every once in a while, I feel the need for some authentic Soon Doo Boo JiGae, a hearty, miso-based stew that's chock full of fresh vegetables and silky soft tofu. If you grew up in a Korean home or have had the pleasure of trying Soon Doo Boo Jigae at a Korean restaurant, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about - it's a need that cannot be defined. Read more


How to Make Tomato and Chickpea Soup


If you're keen on making simple, healthy, delicious, and budget-friendly meals, this tomato and chickpea soup is a must-try. To make six generous servings of this nutrient-rich soup, the ingredients shouldn't cost you more than around five dollars. Amazing, right?

Here's a look at the components: Read more


How to Make Buttercup Squash Soup

Every mouthful of this savory buttercup squash soup delivers an abundance of nutrients that support immune function: carotenoids, vitamin A, real vitamin C, and manganese. It's also a good source of most B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it an excellent choice for protecting your heart and blood vessels.

Before ingesting, please be aware that one or more bowls may cause you to roll around on the ground, as you won't know what else to do as you declare it to be the best squash soup you've ever had. Read more


Butternut Squash and Pear Soup Recipe

2 great iPhotos

Rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, this soup is an excellent choice for giving your immune system a lift. It's also rich in a phytonutrient (beta-cryptoxanthin) that is thought to be particularly good for promoting healthy lung function. Read more


Hearty Vegetarian Winter Stew Recipe


The quantities listed make a large pot of stew, approximately 10 servings; feel free to scale down if a smaller batch is preferred. Updated on November 12, 2019

Ingredients: Read more




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