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Natural Health Solutions

Five Foods For A Healthy Digestive System

If you're experiencing bloating, belching, abdominal discomfort, or any other symptoms of an overburdened digestive tract, you may benefit from including one or more of the following foods in your diet - all are rich in nutrients that are particularly important to the health of your digestive system. Read more


Exercises for Pain and Stiffness in the Hands

This video provides a look at mobility exercises that can be used to support healthy elbows, forearms, wrists, and fingers.

Please be sure to turn the volume up on the video itself, which you can do via the volume control section along the bottom of the video screen, as well as the volume on your viewing device. Read more


Cherry Smoothies To Combat Arthritis

Cherries have long been used to sooth chronically inflamed joints. In my experience, cherries aren't consistently effective in helping cases of degenerative arthritis, but when used in conjunction with a dairy-free diet, I find that they can significantly reduce joint pain caused by metabolic-type arthritides like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthropathy. Read more


What to Do When You Have Impacted Stool

Never a comfortable topic to discuss, but it's good to have some idea of what to try if you or a loved one ever experiences hardened stool that won't come out on its own.

First, it's vital to remember that whenever you have the urge to have a bowel movement, it's best that you relax rather than try to force stool out with exertion. Read more


6 Tips for Overcoming Constipation Naturally

What follows are six simple suggestions that I have found to consistency help people overcome constipation and experience regular and comfortable movements.

1. Ensure that you are optimally hydrated.

If your body and gastrointestinal tract are not provided with enough water through healthy liquids and water-rich foods, waste materials that travel through your colon will tend to be harder by the time they reach your rectal pouch. Read more


Benefits of a Sauna and Hot Baths

In a previous post where I described a few benefits of reasonable exposure to cold, I explained why I begin my days with a cold shower. To answer the many readers who asked if there are benefits to taking hot baths, the answer is an emphatic yes. Read more


Using a Pulse Oximeter to Monitor Oxygen Saturation and Pulse Rate


If you can make use of a reasonably accurate way of almost instantly monitoring your oxygen saturation (SO2) level, you might consider utilizing an inexpensive pulse oximeter, as shown above. Read more


How to Mobilize Your Feet

A common risk factor for spraining an ankle is wearing high heels, especially when walking on uneven terrain. If you wear high heels or did in the past, your fore-foot and mid-foot regions can likely benefit from some simple mobilization work, which is best done by a willing partner.

This video presents a brief look at how to mobilize your toes, metatarsals, and the articulations between your metatarsals and row of cuneiforms, cuboid, and navicular bones. Read more


How to Work on Your Mobility While Standing

This is a video for those who have requested a simple routine of mobility exercises while remaining upright.

In this video, I use a dowel at times to help maintain balance. You can use a broomstick, golf club, or any other similar object, or you can try doing everything without support, which will help you develop your balance and proprioception. Read more


Exercises for a Stiff Spine

As mentioned in this video, many of us can use more extension through the spine. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to shoulders that are rounded forward to some degree, which puts the spine in some degree of forward flexion, which is what gradually robs intervertebral joints of their natural capacity to extend backward. Read more




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