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Mobility Exercises

How to Reverse Rounded Shoulders Caused By Excessive Sitting

This is a simple routine to reverse the effects that prolonged sitting has on shoulder mobility. Read more


Protect Your Lower Back By Strengthening Your Obliques

One key to avoiding back pain and injury is to keep your obliques strong - these are the muscles that line the sides of your abdominal wall. Read more


Try This For Chronic Back Pain and Stiffness

If you have chronic or recurrent back pain and stiffness, it may be that shortened hamstrings are creating a constant downward pull on your pelvis which could be causing compensatory biomechanics within your lumber and thoracic spinal regions, manifesting as pain and/or stiffness. Read more


2 Exercises to Condition Soft Tissues Around Ankles For Improved Balance and Agility

This routine is helpful in conditioning the soft tissues that surround your ankle joints, which is necessary for experiencing optimal balance and agility. Read more


Kick-Through Core Exercise

This is an intermediate to advanced conditioning exercise for the core.

Begin on all fours, pivot on one arm, and kick the same side leg through to the other side while keeping your core contracted. You can bring your opposite side arm up with each kick-through to help you maintain balance and also to help you keep your core engaged. Read more


One-Minute Spinal Care Routine

These two movements encourage more blood to flow to the ligaments and muscles that surround the spine, thereby reducing risk of experiencing sprains and strains.   Read more


Rotational Movement For Healthier Shoulders

One of the most common reasons for having pain while using arms overhead is having limited rotation through the glenohumeral (shoulder) joints.

Having a healthy range of internal and external rotation through your shoulder joints will help ensure that you can use your arms overhead without unnecessary restrictions. Read more


Exercises for Foot and Ankle Pain

Given the number of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles that make up our feet and ankles, I have long felt that rather than spot treat areas of pain and stiffness, it makes more sense to work at improving overall blood circulation and joint play throughout the many articulations involved. Read more


7 Mobility Exercises for Better Posture

This is a routine of mobility exercises that can help address chronic shoulder and upper back pain and stiffness. You can find more details on doing each of the exercises described below by searching for them in our Mobility Exercises Archive.

Start with Cow-Cat, alternating between full flexion and extension of the spine while on all fours. Read more


Gentle Rolling and Deck Squats to Improve Spinal Mobility, Core Strength, and Balance

If your circumstances are such that tumbling on foam flooring isn't possible, I would suggest making use of a mattress or even a stack of gym mats that gives you about 6 to 8 inches of stable cushioning. Read more




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