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Recommended Health Resources

Chet Day's Health and Beyond - a huge collection of natural health articles and recipes

Google Health News - the most recent health stories from all over the world

USDA Nutrient Database - find out how many vitamins and minerals are in the foods you eat

Beyond Vegetarianism - a priceless site for everyone, but especially for strict vegans

Soil and Health Library - a well organized archive of e-books on natural health and mindful living

Vital Choice Healthy Foods - provides high quality wild Alaskan salmon products

Yahoo Health News - the latest health stories from and related news wires

Microsoft Network Health News - constantly updated health and fitness stories from


For New And Expecting Parents:

LaLeche League - a great resource for breastfeeding

Dr. William Sears - a mine of valuable information on raising babies healthfully

Vaccination Risk Awareness Network - provides a national and international overview of the vaccine issue with links to the many vaccine information consumer groups around the world - a "must visit" site for all new and expecting parents


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