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Nothing Is Worth More Than This Day

Last week, we were shocked to receive word that our order processing manager in Delhi passed away while hospitalized with covid.  Renu joined us in January of 2007, about a half year before our youngest son was born.  To suddenly lose someone who has been such a warm and steadfast presence for well over a decade is devastating, and we are grieving for Renu's remaining loved ones.  

As many of you know, the covid-19 situation in the big cities throughout India is a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.  To the best of my understanding, the health care system in India was not in good shape to begin with, and given the worsening shortage of essential supplies including oxygen, the coming weeks will continue to be devastating for countless families throughout the country. If you're in a position to do so, please consider supporting any of the ongoing efforts by Red Cross Societies around the world.

Renu contacted me just one week before she passed away.  She didn't mention anything about feeling unwell, only that she wanted to stop working before she made a significant mistake with her daily work.  After finding out that she was hospitalized but stable and likely to return home within a week, it was my full intention to support her through as long a sabbatical as she needed to return to full wellness.  To be witness to her decency and concern for doing her job well to the very end, I am humbled and broken as I think back on and give thanks for all that she meant to my life over the past 15 years.

With Renu in mind, I encourage everyone to remember what a priceless gift each moment with our loved ones is.  If we aren't making time every day to at least say hello and check in with those we are closest to, then perhaps there is room to re-think our daily priorities.

Sending love to all,



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