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Roasted Cauliflower Soup Recipe

This roasted cauliflower soup is surprisingly rich in vitamin C. It's also rich in indole-3-carbinole, a phytonutrient that can stimulate cellular detoxification.

Indole-3-carbinole's ability to prevent estrogen dominance is what makes cauliflower - naturally rich in indole-3-carbinole - an excellent food choice for cancer prevention, particularly breast cancer prevention. Read more


Zucchini and Basil Quinoa Pilaf Recipe

If you're looking for a truly healthy, protein-rich food to anchor your diet, I highly recommend that you consider quinoa (pronounced keen wah). Called the "mother of grains" by the Incan empire, quinoa is native to South America, and is naturally rich in all nine essential amino acids - these are amino acids that we humans can't make from other nutrients, so must obtain from our diet. Quinoa is one of a few grains that are gluten-free, and for most people, it's easy to digest and utilize. Read more


Jason Mraz's Healthy Chocolate Pudding Recipe

How about a chocolate pudding that's good for your heart? This is exactly what you'll create by following Jason Mraz's chocomole recipe, which calls for avocados, dates, chocolate powder, and a touch of vanilla.

The result is a creamy chocolate pudding that's rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and flavonoids, making it an excellent choice for promoting a healthy cardiovascular system and good overall health. Read more


Heart-Healthy Salad Recipe

To optimally support your cardiovascular system, it may be helpful to regularly eat foods that are naturally rich in folate and an omega-3 fatty acid called EPA. Folate primarily protects your cardiovascular system against disease by keeping your blood homocysteine level in check. And though we aren't certain of how EPA reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, a number of studies have found a strong relationship between EPA consumption and a decrease in heart disease. Read more


Calcium-Rich Asian Sesame Sauce Recipe

As I mentioned in my post on eating calcium-rich plant foods to promote optimal bone health, sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, all of which your body needs to build and maintain healthy bones and teeth. So if you want to ensure that you optimally nourish your bones and teeth as you age, consider mastering the following Asian-style sesame sauce recipe. Depending on how much water you use, this recipe can produce a light salad dressing, a dip for raw vegetables, or even a rich alternative to mayonnaise. Read more


Beware of "New" Tires that Might be Several Years Old

A 20/20 investigation suggests that fatal car accidents are regularly caused by old rubber tires spontaneously disintegrating on the road. This report focuses on the alarming reality that some new tires that are sold in stores like Wal-mart and Sears may actually be several years old. 20/20's investigation actually found some "new" tires on sale at Wal-mart and Sears stores in the States that were up to 12 years old.

View the complete 20/20 report here: Read more


Healthy Sweet Cashew Cream Recipe

If you enjoy adding cream to healthy pies, cakes, berries, cereals, and tea, give this sweet cashew cream recipe a try - it's rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which are good for keeping your heart and blood vessels healthy.

Cashew cream is also naturally rich in magnesium, which your body needs to keep your bones, teeth, muscles, and nervous system optimally healthy.

If you don't need your cream to be too sweet, simply omit the honey, or use less than what's listed below. Quality cashews have a natural hint of sweetness that makes pure cashew cream quite pleasant on its own. Read more


Artisana Coconut and Nut Butters

Until a few months ago, I was under the impression that coconut oil and coconut butter are the same thing. So I was one surprised chap when I tried a coconut butter product made by a company called Artisana.

I now know that true coconut butter is made by carefully blending whole coconut meat - when done properly, the result is a sweet, creamy butter that has the wonderful fragrance of coconut oil, along with healthy protein and fiber that naturally occur in coconut. Read more


Anti-Cancer Cabbage Chickpea Soup Recipe

A simple and effective way to lower your risk of developing cancer is to eat cabbage on a regular basis.

Cabbage belongs to the Cruciferous family of vegetables - other prominent Cruciferous vegetables include kale, Bok Choy, cauliflower, and broccoli.

Phytonutrients found in cabbage and other Cruciferous vegetables can stimulate the production of enzymes that can detoxify your cells, leading to efficient elimination of free radicals, toxins, and potential carcinogens from your body. Read more


Two Nutrients that Promote Healthy Skin

Two groups of nutrients that are essential to having healthy skin are vitamin A and healthy fatty acids.

Vitamin A can be called a "group" of nutrients because there's straight vitamin A, found in animal foods, and there's carotenoids, which are plant-based nutrients that can be converted to vitamin A in healthy individuals. Read more

