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Dr. Ben Kim's blog

Classic Greek Salad and Dressing

If you love cheese but have a problem tolerating dairy products that are derived from cow's milk, you may want to try Greek feta cheese that is made from sheep's milk or a combination of sheep and goats' milk.

A great way to enjoy Greek feta cheese is in a traditional Greek salad that includes feta, olives, leafy greens, fresh tomatoes, cucumber slices, and sweet red onion slices. Read more


Maximize Your Height: Four Keys to Growing as Tall as Your Genetics Will Allow

In the summer of 2004, a guest of our clinic asked me what he could do to maximize his height using natural methods. At that time, he was still in his early 20s and aspired to play professional baseball. Read more


Making Sense of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are created in the leaves of plants, where they are created out of water, carbon dioxide, and the radiant energy of sunlight.

Although your body can obtain all of the energy that it needs from dietary protein and fat, the most efficient source of fuel for your cells are carbohydrates.

We can classify all of the carbohydrates that we know of into three general categories: Read more


Creamy Spinach Cilantro Soup Recipe

Cilantro is one of the most phytonutrient-dense herbs that we know of. Regular consumption of this aromatic plant may be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and preventing urinary tract infections.

Enjoy the many health benefits of cilantro with this simple and delicious recipe for spinach cilantro soup. Read more


Strawberry Dressing Recipe

This delicious strawberry vinaigrette is rich in vitamin C and a group of antioxidants called phenols. The unique combination of phenols found in strawberries - headed by anthocyanins and ellagitannins - makes strawberries and this vinaigrette good for protecting you against heart disease, cancer, and chronic inflammation.

Ingredients: Read more


Vitamin K at Birth: To Inject or Not

Before my wife gave birth to our first child, our primary midwife asked us to think about whether we wanted our child to receive a vitamin K shot after he was born or not.

Vitamin K shots are routinely administered to newborn babies because 1.8 out of every 100,000 babies who do not receive vitamin K injections suffer permanent injury or death due to uncontrolled bleeding in the brain that may be the result of having extremely low levels of vitamin K in their systems. Read more


Beet Sunflower Sauce Recipe

Ounce for ounce, red beets contain more health-promoting nutrients than any other root vegetable. The nutrients found in red beets have been shown to provide protection against heart disease, birth defects and cancer, most notably colon cancer.

Enjoy the many health benefits of red beets with this delicious beet sunflower sauce recipe. It goes beautifully with a plate of steamed vegetables or scrambled organic eggs. Read more


How to Pick Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

If you want your grocery dollars to consistently bring home the most nutritious fruits and vegetables that your local market has to offer, you have to know when different fruits and vegetables are in season and what to look for in appearance and texture.

In this article, the peak in-season range for different fruits and vegetables is relevant to all of Canada, most of the upper half of the United States, and pretty much all other countries that lie within the same latitudinal range, give or take a few degrees. Read more


Coconut Almond Shake Recipe

This coconut almond shake recipe brings together plenty of healthy protein, healthy fat, and electrolytes that naturally occur in coconut water.

Young coconuts are readily available in Asian markets (not usually in Korean markets) or Mexican markets. The average young coconut contains approximately 1-2 cups of coconut water. Read more


Canada's Seal Hunt: The Largest Slaughter of Marine Mammals in the World

A few of our readers recently brought to my attention the annual mass slaughter of young seals, many of them babies, near Newfoundland, Canada.

Please take a few minutes to watch the following video on this disturbing practice.

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