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Thought of the Moment

To be discerning with our efforts

We shouldn't expect people who take advantage to one day acknowledge they were selfish. People who regularly use others are too focused on their desires to know what shame and remorse are. There is still magic in loving and giving without expectations; the idea is to become more discerning in who we choose to support. Read more



Let's not judge one another's pasts - we don't live there anymore. Read more


Remedy for worry

One remedy for worry is purposeful work, to put forth a good day of effort. Worry and doubt grow when we feel we aren't giving our best. Read more


Thoughts and Deeds Make Us

We become what we practice most. Read more


Humble, Grateful, Kind, Hard-Working, Courageous

It costs nothing to be humble, grateful, kind, hard-working, and courageous - is there anything worthwhile that we cannot accomplish when we consistently embody these values? Read more



For it is in giving that we receive.

- Francis of Assisi Read more


To be generous and grateful

You cannot go wrong when you look to brighten other people's lives and walk with gratitude. Read more


Our Noise

Let's work hard in silence and let the consequences of our work be our noise. Read more



What may feel like a curse to your life is an opportunity to show others how to be strong enough to overcome or endure it. Read more


Thich Nhat Hanh on Love

When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?

- Thich Nhat Hanh Read more

