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Product Review: Laptop Laidback - The Portable Table for Stress-Free Computing

In early 2009, I injured my lower back to a point where I had no choice but to rest in bed for almost two whole days. Thankfully, I experienced a quick, full recovery. While I was lying around reading through a stack of my favorite biographies, it occurred to me that I ought to set up my office in a way where I don't have to sit for long stretches whenever I have to do some computer work.

I've worked with a number of clients over the years who have resorted to standing at their work desks, as standing puts less overall stress on the spine and paraspinal structures than sitting. Standing is especially helpful to people who have disc-related pain in the lower back region. Read more


Roasted Fennel with Chickpeas Recipe

Raw fennel has a mild licorice-like fragrance, but when roasted, fennel becomes sweet and crisp and the licorice aroma is barely noticeable, if at all. Rich in vitamin C and fiber, roasted fennel bulbs provide nice texture alongside chickpeas and oranges. Read more


How to Treat Elbow Tendonitis (Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow)

Elbow tendonitis is a diagnosis that encompasses two common elbow conditions: tennis elbow, and golfer's elbow.

Tennis elbow refers to inflammation of the tendons that attach to the outside or lateral part of the elbow, while golfer's elbow refers to inflammation of the tendons that attach to the inner or medial part of the elbow. Read more


Yin Yang Bell Pepper Soup Recipe

This delicious bell pepper soup recipe is rich in a number of antioxidants, most notably, carotenoids and vitamin C. The Yin-Yang presentation is created by pouring red and yellow bell pepper soups into each serving bowl at the same time. Read more


Tomato and Chickpea Soup Recipe

Chickpeas are abundant in a number of health-promoting nutrients, most notably folate, manganese, tryptophan, copper, iron, and healthy protein.

High folate and tryptophan content make chickpeas an excellent food choice for women of child-bearing age and people who have trouble getting restful sleep. Read more


Singing for Health: Viva La Vida

Here's another catchy song to get your lymphatic vessels pumping to. The cover of "Viva La Vida" found below is by Afraid of Everest - I actually enjoy this cover better than the original by Coldplay. If you'd like to sing along, please scroll down for lyrics. Read more


Green Pea and Chickpea Soup Recipe

To promote your best health, including strong bones and teeth, it's vital that you eat plenty of green plant foods on a regular basis. And ounce for ounce, few green plant foods are more nutrient-rich than green peas.

Green peas are naturally abundant in folate, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, carotenoids, tryptophan, vitamin K, manganese, healthy protein, and a number of other health-promoting nutrients. Read more


Singing for Health: Home, by Josh Verdes

If you're traveling home or welcoming family and friends to your home over the holidays, I think you'll enjoy the following song. For me, it captures all of the feelings that surround being with loved ones during Christmas and New Year's.

You'll find lyrics below the video, just in case you want to sing along to support good lymphatic and immune system health. :) Read more


Best of 2008

With Christmas and New Year's right around the corner, I thought it would be fun and helpful to take a look back at our most popular articles from 2008.

Rather than rely on "most viewed" or "highest rated" statistics to compile the Best of 2008 list below, I chose those articles that generated the most feedback from our readers.

Without further ado, here's our Best of 2008 list: Read more


Healthy Pancake Recipe

The other night, I finished re-reading one of my favorite books - Me and My Dad: A Baseball Memoir, by Paul O'Neill. The book ends with a pancake recipe from the O'Neill family, one that really got my salivary glands going for a short stack of freshly made pancakes with real maple syrup. Read more

