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Are You Climbing the Right Wall to Your Best Health?

During times of reflection, I regularly think about Stephen Covey's suggestion to find the right walls to climb before I spend my limited days climbing.

Spending time to identify the right walls to climb can sometimes require more energy than the actual process of climbing; it can bring about much frustration and second guessing. Still, my experience has been that working hard to carefully choose which walls we want to scale is worth the effort, and is an important part of striving to develop the ability to live with wisdom. Read more


Beware of Eating Green Potatoes

A recent article in the New York Times provides an important dietary warning:

Green potatoes often contain high levels of a toxin called solanine, which can cause any of the following gastrointestinal and/or neurological symptoms upon ingestion: Read more


Raw Chocolate Recipes

In last week's newsletter, I shared a quick and simple dessert recipe that requires only three ingredients: raw chocolate nibs, raw pecans, and liquid honey. Enough people wrote in thanking me for this recipe that I thought it would be a good idea to post it here on our blog for visitors who don't receive my weekly health newsletter. Read more


Grilled Portobello Mushroom Sandwich Recipe

If you love burgers but can do without large amounts of red meat, you'll love this recipe for thick and juicy grilled Portobello mushroom sandwiches. Portobello mushrooms are rich in niacin (vitamin B3), potassium, and selenium.

Be sure to make the basil-lemon pesto sauce that accompanies this recipe; it adds loads of tangy flavor to these awesome sandwiches.

Ingredients: Read more


How to Prevent the Formation of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged and often swollen veins that can become visible under the skin of your legs. Prevention of varicose veins best begins with understanding how your veins work. Read more


Roasted Tomato Soup Recipe

This delicious and healthy roasted tomato soup with fresh basil is best served with a green salad and a slice or two of toasted, multi-grain bread.

The quantities listed in the ingredients section are meant to produce 4 large servings. Read more


Over-The-Counter Muscle-Pain Relieving Cream Blamed for Track Star's Death

On June 10th, 2007, the New York Times published a story about a high school track star who died after overusing an over-the-counter cream that is commonly used to treat sore muscles and joints. The official cause of death was determined by a New York City medical examiner after a two-month investigation.

The athlete died after her body absorbed toxic levels of methyl salicylate, a compound that is found in sports creams like Icy Hot and Bengay. Read more


Lemon Pine Nut Rice Recipe

This light and tangy rice dish is perfect for a satisfying summer meal. Try it with a side of sliced avocados or a tossed green salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. The quantities listed in the ingredients section are meant to produce about four main dishes or six to eight smaller side dishes. Read more


Action Steps To Prevent Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

According to the World Book Encyclopedia, the average adult human body contains approximately 96,500 kilometers (60,000 miles) of blood vessels. This means that if you were to attach all of your blood vessels together end to end, they could wrap around the Earth almost two and a half times. Read more


Classic Greek Salad and Dressing

If you love cheese but have a problem tolerating dairy products that are derived from cow's milk, you may want to try Greek feta cheese that is made from sheep's milk or a combination of sheep and goats' milk.

A great way to enjoy Greek feta cheese is in a traditional Greek salad that includes feta, olives, leafy greens, fresh tomatoes, cucumber slices, and sweet red onion slices. Read more

