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Where Were These Pictures Taken?

The first three people to correctly identify this unforgettable spot in the Bay Area will receive a package from our latest harvest of luscious goji berries.

Good luck! :)


Update on May 1, 2009:

These pictures were taken at the Berkeley Rose Garden, also known as the Municipal Rose Garden at Euclid Avenue between Bay View Place and Eunice Street in Berkeley, California.

I discovered the Berkeley Rose Garden in 1997 when I moved out to California after graduating from chiropractic school. I was looking for a good wall to hit some tennis balls against, and a neighbor told me that the best such wall - plus three full tennis courts - could be found at the Berkeley Rose Garden.

I haven't been to the Berkeley Rose Garden in about a decade now, and I long to take my wife and sons there. Not only to play tennis, but to soak in the views of the garden and the San Francisco Bay, which one can see off into the horizon when perched on the top ledges of the garden.

If you ever find yourself in the area, I encourage you to experience the Berkeley Rose Garden.

Congratulations to...

Marg Fedyna of Edmonton, Alberta
Ted Johnson, location to be determined, and
Dottie Wylie of Bend, Oregon

...for being the first three readers to identify the Berkeley Rose Garden.

Photo Credits:
Daniella Thompson (2004)
BAHA archives


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Hmmmm....It's been MANY years but these pictures remind me of gardens I saw in California as a kid with my parents. I seem to remember that they were Japanese gardens...or maybe Golden Gate Bridge garden. I wish I could remember for sure. Anyway, it's fun looking at your pictures and trying to let buried memories bubble to the surface. My dad shipped in and out of San Francisco during the war and he always loved taking us back there so we could see the "most beautiful city in the world" - his words. Thanks for your informative and helpful website. I look forward to all your mailings.


Chell Norton