When you become comfortable with this sort of gentle rolling on a padded surface, your body becomes more capable of protecting itself in the event of an accidental fall. The idea is to condition your core and all of your major joints to allow for more fluid movement on the ground. Read more
This is a simple routine that can be done on a large mattress or gym or yoga mat. Though it doesn't look like much, this type of rolling is effective in improving general spinal mobility, shoulder mobility, core strength, and overall proprioception. Read more
Here, James Lavish and Saifedean Ammous explain in concrete terms why all paths lead to more money printing to finance government expenses. Understanding money and why governments continue to print more of it to fund their expenses is essential to learning how to be financially healthy. Read more
This is a look at how to lengthen hip flexors - keeping hip flexors at an optimal length allows for optimal hip mobility, and in those with a history of tight hip flexors, stretching them often leads to improvement in back health. Read more