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A No-Nonsense Look at Toxins and How Your Body Deals with Them

Updated on September 13, 2012

The world wide web is overflowing with information on toxins and countless programs and products that are touted to cleanse your body of them. I hope that this post provides you with a clear understanding of what toxins are, how they can affect your health, and a sensible approach to preventing accumulation of toxins in your body. Read more


Time to Unplug

About two and a half years ago, I ditched my reservations on regular cell phone use and joined the masses in getting a smartphone, an iPhone 3GS for those who know about these things.

The idea was to have an easy way to stay connected via e-mail to those I work with while I was away from my desk. I thought it would be helpful to make instant voice recordings of new tasks and article ideas that came to mind. And I was attracted to the thought of having an always-ready GPS. Read more


Three-Tomato Salad Recipe

Tomatoes, tomatoes, and more tomatoes. This delicious salad recipe brings together three varieties of one of summer's healthiest fruits to make for a light but satisfying meal.

Tomatoes are rich in naturally occurring vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin K. They're also abundant in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that numerous studies indicate has the ability to reduce your risk of developing different varieties of cancer. Read more


How To Treat And Prevent Swimmer's Ear

Swimmer's ear, also known as otitis externa, is an infection of the outer ear canal. It's a condition that parents of children and teenagers want to understand because it's often confused with a middle ear infection, also known as otitis media. Read more


Fresh Peach Smoothies

When looking to make the perfect nutrient-rich summer smoothie, few fruits are better suited than tree-ripened peaches. Naturally juicy, sweet, and ever so slightly creamy, peach smoothies are abundant in carotenoids for healthy vision and skin, as well as natural vitamin C for optimal skeletal strength, immune system strength, and tissue healing. Read more


Night-Weaning Breastfeeding Baby

Originally published in late 2006

Before my wife gave birth to our first son, both of us were determined to raise him in a way that would help him feel physically and emotionally safe from the very first second that he arrived. Read more


Aaron Collins' Final Wish

Just stumbled upon the story of Aaron Collins' final wish to have his family leave a waiter or waitress an unforgettable tip. As Aaron's family has shared via major media outlets, few life experiences bring as much fulfillment as offering a gift to a stranger without expecting something in return. Read more


Easy Healthy Summer Salad Recipe Pictorial

On days when I feel like having an all-raw and relatively light meal, I turn to some type of salad with a handful of raw nuts. The other day, I found a recipe for baby spinach salad with pecans and Bosc pear in a wonderful raw foods cookbook called Living Cuisine. I tweaked the recipe a bit, taking into account the ingredients that we had on hand in our kitchen, and proceeded to have a truly memorable salad meal.

If you enjoy healthy salads that provide a number of contrasting textures and flavors, I encourage you to give the following recipe a try. Did I mention that it's really good for your health? It's rich in calcium, iron, folate, healthy fatty acids, healthy protein, and complex carbohydrates, including fiber. - Ben Kim Read more


Berry and Cottage Cheese Salad Recipe

This salad brings together a rich blend of antioxidants, easy-to-digest protein, and cucumbers that make it cool and refreshing for after a workout or on a hot day.

Be sure to dry the berries before combining them with the dressing ingredients. Read more


Jamie Oliver's Red Beet Salad Recipe

I'm constantly on the lookout for recipes that call for raw red beets, as these root vegetables contain a variety of nutrients that can help prevent heart disease and certain types of cancer, especially colon cancer. Red beets are also rich in B vitamins, including folate, which makes them useful for preventing birth defects. Read more

