This super simple recipe is a delicious way for you and your family to enjoy all of the health benefits of broccoli - few other vegetables are as naturally abundant in indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant that is thought to offer significant protection against all types of cancer. When roasted, broccoli takes on a bit of a nutty flavour. Even the kids will love roasted broccoli! Read more
Dr. David Phillips, professor of sociology at the University of California in San Diego published a study in 2008 that highlighted an alarming trend: From 1983 to 2004, while deaths caused by firearms, fires, drownings, and traffic accidents decreased, the rate of deaths from prescription and over-the-counter drugs increased at a rapid clip. Read more
In a previous post, we looked at some stretches and other physical measures that can be used to alleviate pain associated with tension-type headaches. In this post, we'll cover what can be done on the dietary front to address a common root cause of headaches. Read more
Reverence is not too strong a word to describe what I felt for Harold Hoffman.
I met Harold, his wife Rhoda, and his sister-in-law Darlene several years ago when they visited our fasting clinic looking for some help for various health challenges. Read more
Just love everything about this song and its reason for existing. It's a ballad for Chris Medina's fiancée, who suffered brain damage in a car accident shortly before they were to be married.
I'm guessing that those of you who follow American Idol already know about this. Not having cable TV in our home, I knew nothing of Chris and his fiancée until just yesterday when Margaret stumbled upon their story. So glad to know about them. Read more
Can't get this tune out of my head. The melody makes me happy, almost just like Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" does, but it definitely has its own distinct flavor. It's a cover of "Hey, Soul Sister" by a group of Asian musicians (begins about 40 seconds into the video):
But not any old singing will do. The kind of singing that will provide you with significant health benefits has to come from deep inside your chest, even from your abdomen. Read more
A few years ago, the New York Times ran a story about a 53-year old Colorado man whose penchant for microwave buttered popcorn may have caused him to develop a serious lung condition called bronchiolitis obliterans, or "popcorn workers' lung." Read more