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A Highly Effective, All-Natural Mosquito Repellent

It's no secret that mosquito bites can transfer a number of diseases to humans and animals, the most common of which are malaria, dengue fever, and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Before you whip out a can of mosquito-repelling spray the next time a clan of biting insects are after your blood, you should know that many conventional brands contain DEET, a powerful pesticide that has been linked to a number of health problems such as skin rashes, dizziness, and even seizures. Read more


How to Make Authentic Salsa

One of healthiest herbs that you can include in your diet is fresh cilantro. Abundant in chlorophyll, iron, and a wide variety of phytonutrients, fresh cilantro provides protection against a wide spectrum of diseases, and may even protect you against a buildup of heavy metals. Read more


The Best Way to Treat a Sprained Ankle

Updated on February 6, 2009

For years, the standard protocol for treating a sprained ankle has been the R.I.C.E. method - Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. While this protocol typically prevents further damage and allows for gradual healing of a sprained joint, sports medicine practitioners are finding that sprains tend to heal most effectively when the injured joint is exercised as soon as possible.

What follows are guidelines that I generally recommend when looking to fully recover as quickly as possible from a sprained ankle: Read more


Health Benefits of Myofascial Release (Skin Rolling)

If you feel somewhat brittle and easily predisposed to suffering from strains and sprains, I encourage you to visit a health practitioner who provides myofascial release treatment.

Myofascial release, also called "skin rolling," is often provided along with other treatments like massage, stretching, and joint mobilisation and manipulation. The vast majority of registered massage therapists, chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, and osteopathic physicians have training with myofascial release. Read more


Anti-Fatigue Mats for Healthy Joints and Soft Tissues

Comfortable and supportive shoes or sandals can go a long way in protecting your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and spine from injury.

When you're without footwear and working indoors on hard flooring, I encourage you to consider using an anti-fatigue mat to provide all of your major weight-bearing joints with cushioned support. Here's one that we have by our kitchen sink: Read more


Choosing Antioxidant-Rich Foods for Cancer Prevention

To reduce your risk of all types of cancer, it's vital that you regularly eat foods that are rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants work throughout your body to neutralize free radicals. Read more


Strict Vegan Diets May Be Dangerous, Especially for Expectant Mothers and Children

Chet Day is the founder and editor of , a premier online resource for natural health information. What follows is a must-read article for people who are following strict vegan diets and experiencing health challenges. I appreciate this article because it serves as a reminder to be honest with ourselves about how we're doing rather than stay rigidly attached to a particular philosophy or program. Many thanks to Chet for his gracious support in sharing this article with our readers. - Ben Kim Read more


Q&A on Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D

In late 2008, the Vitamin D Council issued a warning on ingesting cod liver oil due to concerns about high levels of vitamin A in many brands of cod liver oil.

What follows are my answers to the most common queries that I received on the Vitamin D Council's paper. Read more


Are Enemas Good for Your Health?

Undergoing an enema involves using a bag of water and a tube to fill your colon with enough water to stimulate contraction of the walls of your colon - the idea is to force your colon into expelling waste materials out through your anal sphincter. Read more


Vision Support: A Target Formula for Healthy Eyes and Optimal Vision

If you're at risk of experiencing vision loss due to macular degeneration, or you just want to make sure that you're doing all you can to prevent the development of macular degeneration and cataracts as you get older, you want to ensure regular intake of a special group of carotenoids and other select nutrients. Read more

