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Q&A on Arthritis and Heartburn Medication

Q. For the last 3-4 months, my husband has had a recurring sore throat, so bad at times that he has trouble swallowing.

Our doctor thinks it could be due to acid reflux, which my husband does get from time to time. Read more


Trip to Elmvale Zoo

On Friday, Margaret and I took our boys to Elmvale zoo, located just 15 minutes north of Barrie. Elmvale zoo isn't particularly grand in scale, but they care for animals from just about every continent, save Antarctica.

Here are some flamingos busy feeding themselves with their heads upside down: Read more


Date Almond Smoothie Recipe

When made with a strong blender, this rich and creamy smoothie feels more like ice cream than a smoothie, so be prepared to eat it with a spoon. If you like all things chocolate, try adding one heaping teaspoon of pure cacao powder per serving prior to blending. Read more


Beware of Caffeinated Chewing Gum

In the May 30, 2009 issue of The Lancet, Italian physicians warn that children are at risk of experiencing caffeine intoxication from chewing gum that contains caffeine.

The case study that prompted this warning involved a 13-year-old boy who was taken to the hospital after exhibiting strong aggression and agitation with no obvious cause. Read more


Healthy Jambalaya Recipe

Though authentic jambalaya typically calls for sausage and/or seafood, this meat-free version is still big on flavor and is likely to be appreciated by vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike. Read more


Link Between Cow's Milk Consumption And Risk Of Diabetes Type 1

Published by CBC News

Type 1 diabetes projected to double in young European children

The number of European children under the age of five with Type 1 diabetes could double by 2020, a rapid increase that points to environmental factors, researchers say. Read more


An Objective Look At The Withdrawal Method Of Birth Control

By Susan Donaldson James

When sex researcher Rachel K. Jones published a report that suggests the much-maligned withdrawal method of birth control was nearly as effective as condoms in preventing pregnancy, she was showered with criticism.

And it wasn't evangelicals who had taken virginity pledges who pulled out the big guns. Read more


Natural Ways to Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Updated on June 1, 2009

If you and your partner have been given clean bills of health but you're struggling to get pregnant, you should know that some simple dietary and lifestyle measures can dramatically increase your chances of getting pregnant.

What follows is a list of the most important steps that you and your partner can take to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Read more


Tools for Healthy Feet and Protection Against Sunburn

Just a brief post to share some details on a few items at that I think most people would find helpful. Read more


Natural Solutions for Tension Headaches

Tension-type headaches typically involve dull or pressure-like pain in and around your temples, forehead, scalp, or the back of your neck. Often times, the pain associated with a tension-type headache will feel like it's being created by a band of pressure that's tightening around your head. Read more

