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Choosing Baby Names Tool

Margaret recently showed me a super cool website that allows you to see how popular different baby names have been over the past several decades. This tool is intended for expectant parents who are racking their melons trying to come up with a name worthy of their future child's destiny. But hey, I think everyone can have fun with it. Read more


Traditional Korean Tea

My wife and I have tried a lot of different teas over the years. One of our favourites is a traditional Korean tea called bori-cha. Read more


Working Hard Can Lead To Happiness, By Anne Frank

I thought I would share another favourite passage of mine from Anne Frank's diary. In case you aren't familiar with Anne's life, Peter was a 16 year old German-Jewish boy whose family was also in hiding with Anne's family during the Holocaust.

*** Read more


How To Overcome Depression, By Anne Frank

When I began learning the Korean language, I decided that a great way to go about it was to read some of my favourite books that had been translated to Korean. One of the first books that I read was The Diary of Anne Frank, translated directly from German to Korean. Read more


Enjoy the Health Benefits of Goji Berries at a Fair Price

Please note: This article has been updated and incorporated into the following page:

Authentic Tibetan Goji Berries Read more


Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe

Almost all store-bought mayonnaise is made with vegetable oils that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, like soybean and safflower oil. Regular consumption of vegetable oils that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to a decline in health over the long term because of their high omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio. Read more


Choose Your Lipstick and Lip Balm Wisely

Do you know that using lipstick or lip balm can increase your risk of developing cancer and autoimmune diseases? If you use lipstick or lip balm on a regular basis, I highly recommend that you visit the Environmental Working Group's online safety assessment catalogue for dangerous chemicals in personal care products. You can type the names of cosmetics that you use into the EWG's search engine and learn how safe or dangerous they are. Read more


How Wallets Can Cause Back Pain

Did you know that carrying a wallet in your backpocket can dramatically increase your risk of having a chronic lower back problem? Sitting down with one side of your pelvis slightly elevated because of a wallet can cause instability in your pelvic joints, which can cause intermittent lower back sprains and strains. Please think of people you know who still carry their wallets in their back pockets and pass this tip along. Read more


Swiss Chard Soup Recipe


2 quarts vegetable broth
1 carrot, chopped
2 pounds Swiss Chard, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 zucchini, sliced
1 cup of brown rice, already cooked
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste

Directions: Read more


Cool Cucumber Sauce Recipe


1 large cucumber, peeled
12 ounces of organic yogurt
1 clove of garlic, pressed or minced
2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
Sea salt, to taste


Slice peeled cucumber down the middle, length wise, and use a spoon to scoop out all the seeds. Then, chop cucumber into large chunks and blend together with all other ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth.

Enjoy this cool and delicious cucumber sauce over a fresh vegetable salad, or with any slightly spicy dish that you enjoy. Read more

