If I can share just one bit of relationship advice to our sons before I no longer have much influence on their development, it is this:
A genuine apology from the heart can heal, nourish, and inspire in ways that no amount of money or counselling can.
I feel this holds true in every type of relationship, including between life partners, parents and their children, friends, work colleagues, teachers and students, and businesses and their clients. Based on my life experiences thus far, I've come to believe that many humans don't appreciate the value of delivering a heartfelt sorry.
In the moment that we realize that we have made a mistake or we are told by someone that we have hurt their feelings, whether our mistake was purposeful or inadvertent, do we have the emotional intelligence to process our mistake, take full responsibility for it, and deliver a genuine apology? Read more
The step that is often missed is washing the tips of the fingers, which is partly intended to clean the underside of the ends of our fingernails where pathogens tend to thrive.
All things being equal, it's best to keep fingernails trimmed, as longer nails pick up and hold more potential pathogens. Read more
Over the weekend, I received a number of messages from people who are gravely concerned about the rapid spread of the coronavirus.
The most effective preventive measure is to wash and sanitize our hands frequently. Washing and sanitizing is more effective than wearing a protective mask, as the primary mode of transmission is through direct contact with fomites, defined as objects or materials that have the capacity to carry infection. Read more
Every mouthful of this savory buttercup squash soup delivers an abundance of nutrients that support immune function: carotenoids, vitamin A, real vitamin C, and manganese. It's also a good source of most B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it an excellent choice for protecting your heart and blood vessels.
Before ingesting, please be aware that one or more bowls may cause you to roll around on the ground, as you won't know what else to do as you declare it to be the best squash soup you've ever had. Read more
Earlier this year, I decided to untether from my cell phone. I have a feeling this will rank among a few of the best decisions of my life when my time here is up.
Why untether? Primarily because on careful reflection, I concluded that having my iPhone on me for most of my waking hours was hurting my quality of life in a significant way. In constantly being available for the world to put me into reactive mode, spending my energy on issues that don't need my immediate attention right now or ever, I have far less capacity to be fully present in the moment. Read more
For those who wish to try a session of guided visualization with a focus on naturally gravitating toward our best weight and health, this is a session that I wrote and recorded many years ago - it's best utilized when we are able to be in a quiet room and can rest on our own for a good 15 minutes or more.
The best investment that we can make is in our own development. When we improve ourselves and pursue skills and experiences that bring us fulfillment, we are able to give so much more to those around us.
Sleep is the safest healing agent. Whenever we are in the midst of a health challenge, one of the best actions we can take to restore wellness is to get more quality sleep.
An ideal diet is one that allows for steady energy and alertness and comfortable bowel movements. Read more