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Thoughts on the Coronavirus

Over the weekend, I received a number of messages from people who are gravely concerned about the rapid spread of the coronavirus.

The most effective preventive measure is to wash and sanitize our hands frequently.  Washing and sanitizing is more effective than wearing a protective mask, as the primary mode of transmission is through direct contact with fomites, defined as objects or materials that have the capacity to carry infection.  

Examples of fomites are handrails, doorknobs, elevator buttons, keyboards, phones, writing utensils, eating utensils, furniture, and even medical equipment like a stethoscope that isn't properly cleaned in between contact with patients.

It's via contact with our mouth, eyes, and nose with contaminated hands that is the most likely path of picking up an infection - most of us touch our own face an average of 10 times per hour.

Yes, wearing a mask can reduce risk of being infected by a carrier of the coronavirus who sneezes in our vicinity, but beyond this specific scenario, transmission via inhalation of droplets that contain the virus is unlikely because such droplets are too heavy to be floating around us.

Beyond frequently washing our hands with soap and water, we can ensure that we are well rested, as fatigue significantly lowers immune system function.

We can also ensure optimal vitamin D status via D-3 supplementation.  And it can only help to eat foods that are good sources of the full vitamin C complex - dark green and bright red and orange plants are excellent choices in this regard.

Here's a look at a favourite vitamin C-rich soup that's simple to make and typically well received by adults and kids alike:

For the recipe without photos for printing, please go here:

If you can't find buttercup squash at your local grocery store, you can substitute with butternut squash - both types of squash have similar vitamin C and carotenoid content.

Another way to support optimal immune function is to stimulate lymph flow through your lymphatic system - bouncing on a trampoline is a good way to do this, but for those who prefer a more gentle approach that isn't hard on weight-bearing joints, I can suggest the following deep stretch for the spine and shoulders that have a positive effect on diaphragm tone:

As you go through this stretch, be sure to stay mindful of breathing deeply from your abdomen.

If you have family or friends who may find these preventive measures helpful, please feel free to share.

Wishing you and your loved ones safe and healthy days,



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