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Natural Health Care

Seven Most Important Requirements for Healing

After badly dislocating my left shoulder while playing basketball during my first year of university, I began experimenting with a variety of strength-training techniques for my shoulders. Over the course of several years, I tried numerous routines that called for dozens of exercises with free weights and machines. Read more


Tips For Staying Healthy With A Desk Job

Let’s begin our look at how to stay healthy while spending hours at a desk by addressing your foundation. Unless you have a health condition that makes it difficult to sit for a long period of time, your foundation while working at a desk is likely your pelvis, which serves as a base for your spinal column, which in turn provides protective housing for your nervous system, which serves as the primary highway of information traffic that allows you to do and feel all that you do. Read more


Nutritional Considerations For Regular Computer Users

Part one of this series on Tips For Staying Healthy With A Desk Job described the essentials of taking care of your physical health with specific exercises and being mindful of how you use your body throughout the day. Read more


Estrogen Dominance: Is It Affecting Your Health?

When researchers from l'Universite de Montreal recently tested the waters of the St. Lawrence River downstream of Montreal, they discovered levels of estrogen 90 times the normal rate. These estrogens were both the natural type (estradiol) occurring in all women and men, and synthetic estrogens, like the ones found in some contraceptive medications and medications used in hormone replacement therapy. Read more


Work On The Largest Determinants Of Your Health First

The other day, I spoke briefly with someone looking to address chronic edema in her legs. It was clear that she had been to the moon and back in her quest to find a solution, and despite all of her efforts, her condition had remained essentially unchanged over 20 years. Read more


Is Your Health Suffering Because Of This Critical Mistake?

Here's an e-mail that I received over the weekend from a fellow who I consulted for this past winter:

"Hey Dr. Ben:

To follow up, I am ecstatic to report that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING has gotten better since we last spoke.

I have been religious about not snacking after dinner. You know that I was skeptical that this alone could fix my belly, but I stand humbled. Read more


When Lettuce Isn't Good For You

A few weeks ago, I posted a letter that I received from a client who used regular intake of lettuce and cherries to strengthen her teeth.

In learning about this, a reader in Toronto, Ontario decided to try eating blended lettuce salads daily to address chronic sensitivity that she had in a back molar. She wrote to let me know that within two days of eating blended lettuce salads, her GI tract became highly uncomfortable, as though she had non-stop inflammation in her stomach. Read more


The Secret History of the War on Cancer

For many years, I have explained to questioning family members and friends why I cannot support conventional cancer-fighting fundraising campaigns.

I am not completely against conventional medical treatment options for different types of cancer. For example, for a good number of people that I have worked with over the past several years, I have fully supported and encouraged surgical excision of malignant tumours. My wariness of the mainstream cancer-fighting industry pertains to what I believe is excessive and often times inappropriate use of chemotherapy and radiation, as well as the lack of attention that is given to relevant environmental and personal lifestyle factors. Read more


Three Acupressure Points For Good Overall Health

Acupressure is a healing art that involves applying pressure to specific points on your body. The idea is to manually stimulate blood flow to your largest nerves, which promotes healthy nerve function, which in turn, promotes optimal cellular function, as all cellular activity is ultimately governed by your nervous system.

So much like you can maintain healthy muscles through regular exercise, you can maintain healthy nerves through regular acupressure. Read more


Is Acupuncture Helpful?

One of the topics that I am frequently asked about is acupuncture. What is acupuncture, exactly? How does it work? What conditions are acupuncture helpful for? How is it different from acupressure? Does it hurt?

What follows is a summary of how I typically answer these questions. Read more




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