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Natural Health Care

Airplane Safety Tips

In reading through dozens of airplane safety tips posted on government and airline web sites, it's apparent to me that the two most important plane safety tips are:

  1. Whenever possible, choose to fly in the largest plane available. Planes that seat 30 or more passengers are subject to the strictest safety regulations. They also have more "meat" to absorb energy upon impact, thereby increasing the chances of passengers surviving.

Vaginitis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Vaginitis is a condition that often goes unaddressed by women and their health care providers due to many people often feeling embarrassed about it. Vaginitis is also frequently misdiagnosed as a urinary tract infection, which can leave a woman unaware of lifestyle factors that are chronic, recurrent causes of vaginitis. Read more


Natural Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

According to researchers at the Childrens Hospital Boston, surgery used to remove breast cancers can sometimes promote the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) that can contribute to metastatic cancer development later on. This hypothesis is congruent with the tendency for younger women who develop breast cancer to experience early recurrences of their cancers.

Researchers looked at data from 1,200 women who had surgery to remove breast cancers. They found that the two most common periods for recurrence was at 18 months and five years post-surgery. They also found that 20 percent of premenopausal women with breast cancer whose cancer had spread to their lymph nodes experienced recurrence within 10 months of surgery to remove their primary breast cancer tumours. Read more


Does Tamoxifen Help Prevent Breast Cancer?

A joint analysis performed by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, the University of California at Davis, the University of California at San Francisco, and the University of Pittsburgh indicates that most women at high risk for developing breast cancer do not experience an increase in life expectancy by taking the drug, tamoxifen. Read more


How To Protect Yourself Against Liver Damage

A study published in the July 5th, 2006 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association indicates that taking the maximum recommended dose of Tylenol (acetaminophen) for fourteen consecutive days can cause acute liver damage.

Medical researchers who co-ordinated this study had 106 participants take 4 grams of acetaminophen (the equivalent of eight 500 mg tablets of extra-strength Tylenol) every day for two weeks. Thirty-nine participants received placebo pills. Read more


The Health Benefits Of Eating Together As A Family

Families are often so busy that they can’t seem to find the time to eat dinner together. If you are a parent to young children or adolescents the current research suggests you may want to make the time to sit down and share meals. Read more


Don't Sleep Well? Modifying Your Thoughts and Behavior Can Be More Effective Than Taking Sleeping Pills

A study published in this month's Journal of the American Medical Association indicates that psychotherapy sessions can be more effective for treating insomnia than a sleeping drug called zopiclone, sold under the commercial name, Imovane. Read more


The Health Benefits Of Tai Chi

For sedentary individuals who want to start exercising, but don’t know where to start, the very idea of the strenuous physical exertion involved in the currently popular fitness programs is probably enough to send them straight back to the couch. If the thought of huffing, puffing, pumping, extreme-stretching, and grimacing your way through a workout makes you want to retreat to the safety of your reclining armchair with a relaxing cup of tea and a jelly doughnut, then tai chi may be the exercise answer for you. Read more


Choosing a Career in the Health Care Field

From Our Mailbag:

Dear Dr. Kim,

I have been receiving your weekly newsletter for several months now and would like to ask you for some advice on choosing a career in the natural health field. I can't decide between chiropractic, naturopathy, traditional medicine, and oriental medicine.

I know you are busy, but if possible, could you share your thoughts on what you would choose if you were to do it all over again? Read more


Most Common Household Toxins

Exposure to household toxins is linked to just about every disease that we know of, most notably cancer. Numerous animal studies have linked many of the more than 24,000 toxins that exist in our environment to negative health effects on the following systems: Read more




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