Begin with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and gently drop down into a comfortable squat. Allow yourself a few seconds or more to sit in this position to stretch your hip capsules. Read more
A while back, I stumbled upon the following priceless commercial that aired in Malaysia over the Chinese New Year holiday several years back. Most of it is painfully familiar to Asians of my generation and I'm guessing to many from other cultures as well. The closing scene never fails to leave me with a heavy lump in my chest.
I hope you have a chance to enjoy this lovely look at some of the different types of success that we can experience in this world: Read more
One of the joys of spending time in Korea this past year was getting to know people like the barber I visited monthly. In sharing life stories, I was genuinely surprised by her fascination with my mindset as a dad. Read more
Schadenfreude is a German word that refers to the human capacity to experience pleasure in another person's suffering. It's an unhealthy form of envy that is highly damaging to the person who feels it. Read more
With the transition to a new administration in the US under way, there has been more talk about the potential for all existing student debt in the US to be forgiven. Read more