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Sun-Dried Tomatoes


My love for sun-dried tomatoes began many years ago when they came with a vegetarian pasta dish at an Italian eatery in a suburb of Chicago. Chewy, mildly sweet and tart - what were these delectable morsels of goodness?

Beyond their lovely flavor and unique texture, one cup of sun-dried tomatoes offers abundant quantities of the following health-enhancing nutrients: Read more


Unilateral Modified Bridge to Improve Spinal Extension

This is an excellent exercise for improving extension through the spine. Insufficient extension is a common root issue for those who experience chronic back stiffness and recurrent pulls throughout the back.

Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Read more


Six Questions to Consider in Choosing a Life Partner

I've long felt that choosing a life partner should be a subject that is thoroughly discussed sometime in high school and perhaps even in university. It amazes me that so little time, if any, is given to considering this topic on a meaningful level in school. Read more


Traditional Methods of Preparing Staple Foods

In mentioning traditionally fermented sourdough bread in a previous post, I received a number of thoughtful messages on this topic, including the following from my friend Myra in Oaxaca, Mexico:


Hi, Ben!

Thank you for your post about sourdough bread (and all your other great posts, also!). It's good to hear about how an ancient process can transform whole grain into a more generally useful foodstuff. Read more


Alicia Keys Sings Impromtu

I give thanks to witness this level of freedom and goodness of spirit. Thank you Alicia.

Please note that Alicia sings impromptu at around the 5-minute mark. Read more


Japanese Chef's Knife


Just a brief post to share some information on a Japanese Chef's Knife that I recently gifted to myself and shared at our Instagram page. Read more


German Hang for Shoulder Extension and Arm Strength

The German Hang is excellent for improving shoulder extension and strength through the arms, including grip strength. Read more


Around the World

Often used in gymnastics, Around the World is an effective way of improving spinal mobility and hamstring flexibility.

Each time you bend down to your side or straight forward, when you reach the end of your natural range, gently bounce two or three times to induce a little more downward movement. Read more


How to Work on the Transition from Pull-up to Dip during a Strict Muscle-Up

In learning how to do a strict muscle-up (pull-up to dip and back down), for many, including myself, the most challenging part is transitioning from the top of the pull-up phase to the starting position of a dip.

This is the most effective way that I have found to work on learning the mechanics and developing the strength needed to smoothly transition from pull-up to dip during a strict muscle-up. Read more

