Dorsiflexion describes flexing your ankle joint up toward your head - it's the opposite of plantar flexion, which is what your ankles do when you stand on your tip toes.
Your ankles dorsiflex with every step you take, be it while walking or running. Ankle dorsiflexion is what allows your toes to clear the ground as your back leg swings in front of you and your heel touches the ground to begin your next stride. Read more
Before taking your body through mobility exercises, I think it's helpful to foam roll all of your major muscle groups. If you can use a specific foam rolling routine to follow, please feel free to have a look at the basic regimen that I do daily:
One of the big joys of my life over the past several years has been the gradual but lasting improvement that I have experienced in my overall mobility.
I was quite active athletically throughout my youth, but for most of my 20s and until I hit about 35, grad school, building 3 clinics, and creating our website had me working almost non-stop, leaving very little time to care for my physical health. Read more
With many of us sitting for long stretches during our daily lives, almost all of us can benefit from regular mobility work to restore extension through the spine, mainly the thoracic spine.
Sitting and working with our arms in front of us also tends to rob us of healthy flexion of our shoulder joints - that is, our ability to raise our arms up in front of us and overhead.
So it's no surprise that most people living in first world nations today eventually experience back and shoulder pain. Read more