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What to Do When You Have Impacted Stool

Never a comfortable topic to discuss, but it's good to have some idea of what to try if you or a loved one ever experiences hardened stool that won't come out on its own.

First, it's vital to remember that whenever you have the urge to have a bowel movement, it's best that you relax rather than try to force stool out with exertion. Read more


Shiitake Mushrooms Glazed in Miso Reduction Recipe - Jeong Kwan, Chef's Table


In season 3 of Chef's Table on Netflix, episode one features the life and culinary creations of Jeong Kwan, a nun who is inspiring top chefs around the world with her mindful and compassionate approach to nourishing the body and spirit with plant foods.

Toward the end of this feature on Jeong Kwan and Korean temple cuisine, she recounts the story of her elderly father who came to stay with her at the ChunJiNam hermitage in southwest Korea, wanting to see for himself how his daughter could choose such an ascetic life for decades. Read more


6 Tips for Overcoming Constipation Naturally

What follows are six simple suggestions that I have found to consistency help people overcome constipation and experience regular and comfortable movements.

1. Ensure that you are optimally hydrated.

If your body and gastrointestinal tract are not provided with enough water through healthy liquids and water-rich foods, waste materials that travel through your colon will tend to be harder by the time they reach your rectal pouch. Read more


Do Spinal Adjustments Prevent Osteoarthritis?

I went to a chiropractor last week to get help for low back pain that I've had on and off for about six months. He took x-rays, had me move in different directions and had me watch a video on why spinal adjustments are needed to prevent arthritis. Read more


How To Make Korean Bean Sprouts Salad

Go to any authentic Korean restaurant and you will likely be greeted with a glorious assortment of side dishes of seasoned and pickled vegetables (called bahn chahn). The assortment will vary depending on the restaurant and season, but wherever and whenever you go, chances are good that you will receive a dish of seasoned bean sprouts (called Sook Joo Na Mool or Kohng Na Mool). Read more


Essential Notes on Blood Sugar and Insulin

You have approximately 5 liters (about 21 cups) of blood traveling around in your blood vessels and heart at any given moment. In these 5 liters of blood, you need only about one teaspoon of sugar for all of your regular activities. If you regularly have more than a teaspoon of sugar floating through your blood vessels, the excess sugar can slow down your circulation, which, over time, can cause all of the problems you would expect to have if you had thick maple syrup clogging up your blood vessels. This is essentially what happens when a person becomes diabetic. Read more


Posterior and Anterior Pelvic Tilt for Improved Core Strength

Learning to hold the pelvis and lower back in posterior and anterior pelvic tilt positions is highly beneficial to improving core strength.

You can hold posterior and anterior pelvic tilt positions while lying prone, while on all fours, and while in plank position. Read more


Seated Pike Pulses for Hip Flexor and Core Strength

Excellent for developing hip flexor strength, seated pike pulses are done while seated, legs together and straight out in front on the ground, toes pointed, hands on either side of of the ground beside your legs for support, and then lifting your feet off the ground and pulsing up and down to whatever degree you can. Read more


Arch and Hollow for Core Strength

Arch and Hollow holds are stapes in the gymnastics world, both highly effective for improving functional core strength and spinal mobility.

For Arch, start prone and lift your legs and arms off the ground at the same time. Squeeze your buttocks and try to keep the front of your thighs off the ground. Strive to keep your scapulae contracted toward one another as you keep your arms and head off the ground. Read more

