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The Need To Be Understood

In 1999, I spent almost a full month of my summer at a water fasting clinic in Ohio. There, I experienced a two-week water-only fast, followed by a period of clean eating to rebuild my health.

I was immensely blessed to share a room with a man from Boston named Joseph Somario. From day one, I was drawn to Joe's palpable kindness and willingness to share from his wealth of life experiences. Read more


Exercises for Pain and Stiffness in the Hands

This video provides a look at mobility exercises that can be used to support healthy elbows, forearms, wrists, and fingers.

Please be sure to turn the volume up on the video itself, which you can do via the volume control section along the bottom of the video screen, as well as the volume on your viewing device. Read more


When a Loved One Struggles

At a recent tennis tournament, our 11-year old son was in the midst of a challenging match with a good friend of his. It was the sort of match where one doesn't want to see either child dispirted. So when I saw our son's light go out late in the match when he was thoroughly exhausted and frustrated, it was I who became dispirited, hopefully not outwardly, but definitely within. Read more


Mobility Exercise to Release a Chronically Tight Shoulder

One of the oft-overlooked elements of releasing a chronically tight shoulder is shortened muscles and tendons in the posterior shoulder region.

The specific tendons and muscles that tend to be short in those with chronic shoulder tightness and impingement are:

Teres minor
Posterior deltoid Read more


Mobility Exercises for Shoulder Impingement

Start with arm circles. Ideally, you want to keep your shoulder blades (scapulae) squeezed together as you take your shoulders through small, controlled circles, forward and backward.

Proceed to Cow-Cat to mobilize your spine and scapulae. Alternate between flexion and extension of your spine, focusing on controlled movement throughout. Read more


How To Make Korean Black Beans


Per ounce, few foods on this planet can stand toe to toe with black beans and come out on top in overall health value. When prepared as a traditional Korean side dish to be eaten alongside steaming bowls of rice and soup, black beans are a longtime favourite in our home. Read more


Cherry Smoothies To Combat Arthritis

Cherries have long been used to sooth chronically inflamed joints. In my experience, cherries aren't consistently effective in helping cases of degenerative arthritis, but when used in conjunction with a dairy-free diet, I find that they can significantly reduce joint pain caused by metabolic-type arthritides like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthropathy. Read more


How to Make Kale Chips


When you're craving potato chips but looking to keep your intake of acrylamide and empty calories to a minimum, see if you can satisfy your need for salty and crispy with kale chips. That's right - chips made with nutrient-dense kale. Read more


What to Do When You Have Impacted Stool

Never a comfortable topic to discuss, but it's good to have some idea of what to try if you or a loved one ever experiences hardened stool that won't come out on its own.

First, it's vital to remember that whenever you have the urge to have a bowel movement, it's best that you relax rather than try to force stool out with exertion. Read more

