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Preserving Our Energy For People And Causes We Love


A few days ago, I heard from a friend who shared that her young teenage child was on the receiving end of some less-than-thoughtful commentary on a well-intentioned community project she was a part of.  It seems that these days, no cause or age group is exempt from being targeted by keyboard warriors who are eager to politicize everything.

Having had an online presence for close to 20 years now, I am thankful that I learned long ago that as soon as I get even the faintest whiff of toxic behaviour, the best move is to press delete and carry on. Read more


Thoughts on Accelerating Inflation and Debasement of Fiat Currencies

Preston Pysh, co-founder of The Investor Podcast Network, shares his thoughts on the inevitable debt jubilee that is ahead of us, and what we can be doing to protect our purchasing power as the current long term debt cycle comes to a painful close. Read more


Resentment and Reconciliation

Oscar Wilde wrote: "Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes, they forgive them."

As adult children of aging parents, it seems that in some cases, built-up resentment for various wrongdoings can last until their parents' final days. Often, the heartfelt apology that adult children yearn to receive never comes, adding to their bewilderment and hurt. Read more


The Nuances of Saying Sorry

Hey Dr. Ben,

Your vlog made me wonder if you've covered the importance of apologizing when you've done something wrong and how to apologize?  If not, I'd love to know your thoughts on this topic.  My fiance and I don't argue very often but when we do, the issue of who owes who an apology is usually a point we have tension over. Read more


Principles for Dealing With the Changing World Order

This is a 20-minute animated summary of Ray Dalio's book on the factors that drive long term credit cycles. The full book can be found at the following pages:

Amazon (US):

Amazon (Canada): Read more


Crisis in Sri Lanka

Is the growing crisis in Sri Lanka a harbinger of what's to come for many other nations? This video provides a clear overview of the key factors that have led to a grave shortage of resources for this island nation of over 21 million people. Read more


Korean Sweet Potatoes

Living Off The Grid in Portugal

An inspiring look at one couple's quest to live self-sufficiently in a mountainous village in Portugal. Read more




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