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Exercises for Mobility and Functional Strength

Simple Exercises to Improve Your Balance

To begin, stand on one leg at a time and try to maintain your balance for as long as you comfortably can, first with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed. Read more


Technical Stand-Up Progressions

One of the first things that is taught in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is how to stand up efficiently while protecting oneself against a malevolent force.

Called the Technical Stand Up, the idea is to get back on your feet while retreating and remaining physically balanced and ready to defend yourself.

There are a few simple progressions that make learning the Technical Stand Up relatively straight forward. Read more


How to Use a Yoga Swing to Stretch Your Spinal Column, Hips, and Surrounding Tissues

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A yoga swing is a wonderfully diverse tool for improving mobility. They are readily available at online yoga supply stores, as well as retailers like Amazon. I purchased mine here:

Yoga Swing Read more


Mobility Exercise to Release a Chronically Tight Shoulder

One of the oft-overlooked elements of releasing a chronically tight shoulder is shortened muscles and tendons in the posterior shoulder region.

The specific tendons and muscles that tend to be short in those with chronic shoulder tightness and impingement are:

Teres minor
Posterior deltoid Read more


Mobility Exercises for Shoulder Impingement

Start with arm circles. Ideally, you want to keep your shoulder blades (scapulae) squeezed together as you take your shoulders through small, controlled circles, forward and backward.

Proceed to Cow-Cat to mobilize your spine and scapulae. Alternate between flexion and extension of your spine, focusing on controlled movement throughout. Read more


Posterior and Anterior Pelvic Tilt for Improved Core Strength

Learning to hold the pelvis and lower back in posterior and anterior pelvic tilt positions is highly beneficial to improving core strength.

You can hold posterior and anterior pelvic tilt positions while lying prone, while on all fours, and while in plank position. Read more


Seated Pike Pulses for Hip Flexor and Core Strength

Excellent for developing hip flexor strength, seated pike pulses are done while seated, legs together and straight out in front on the ground, toes pointed, hands on either side of of the ground beside your legs for support, and then lifting your feet off the ground and pulsing up and down to whatever degree you can. Read more


Arch and Hollow for Core Strength

Arch and Hollow holds are stapes in the gymnastics world, both highly effective for improving functional core strength and spinal mobility.

For Arch, start prone and lift your legs and arms off the ground at the same time. Squeeze your buttocks and try to keep the front of your thighs off the ground. Strive to keep your scapulae contracted toward one another as you keep your arms and head off the ground. Read more


Straight Leg Raises for Core and Hip Flexor Strength

Lying supine with your buttocks resting on the backs of your hands, keep your legs straight and together with toes pointed, and raise them up toward your head, then lower them back toward the ground in a controlled manner but try not to let them touch the ground. Work your way up to ten repetitions per set. Read more




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