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Natural Health Solutions

Full Body Cleanse: The Basics

Originally published in January of 2010

Here are some of the most common questions that I receive on a weekly basis from people seeking guidance on how to cleanse and detoxify their bodies: Read more


How To Properly Wash Your Hands

The step that is often missed is washing the tips of the fingers, which is partly intended to clean the underside of the ends of our fingernails where pathogens tend to thrive.

All things being equal, it's best to keep fingernails trimmed, as longer nails pick up and hold more potential pathogens. Read more


Thoughts on the Coronavirus

Over the weekend, I received a number of messages from people who are gravely concerned about the rapid spread of the coronavirus.

The most effective preventive measure is to wash and sanitize our hands frequently.  Washing and sanitizing is more effective than wearing a protective mask, as the primary mode of transmission is through direct contact with fomites, defined as objects or materials that have the capacity to carry infection.   Read more


More on Extracting Nutrients Out of What You Eat

As mentioned earlier in this series, cooking vegetables and other plant foods can soften naturally occurring fiber, which makes it easier for your digestive system to extract the many micronutrients that are abundant in plant foods. Read more


How to Treat and Prevent Ganglion Cysts

A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled bump that forms under the skin near a joint, most commonly in the wrist area, and sometimes in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle, or foot regions.

The conventional medical view of ganglion cysts is that they are idiopathic, meaning that definitive causes are not known. Ganglion cysts are usually left alone, aspirated, or excised. Read more


How to Have Healthy Bowel Movements

Originally published in March of 2008. Please note that portions of this article have been plagiarized online. All of the thoughts in this article are my own. - Ben Kim

To have healthy bowel movements, it's essential that you support colon and rectal health with all of your daily choices. Keeping these areas clean and healthy provides the following benefits:

  1. A lowered risk of developing colorectal cancer, one of the most common types of cancer in industrialized countries.


Ulcerative Colitis Diet Plan

As a follow up to part one of this series on a natural treatment program for ulcerative colitis and other symptoms of chronic gastrointestinal distress, this article provides a specific dietary plan that many people with ulcerative colitis and other types of inflammatory bowel disease can benefit from. Read more


A Growing Cause of Sleep Deprivation and Chronic Illness

Sara H. is a 25-year-old teacher who lives and works in northern California. She contacted me in September 2013 for help with chronic headaches and bloating. I actually met Sara years earlier when she came to our fasting clinic to support her mom, who did a 3-week water-only fast to address hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis. When Sara reached out to me, I remembered how caring and unassuming she was as a teenager, so I was eager to offer support. Read more


Natural Treatment Options for Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernia is a condition that produces one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort behind the breastbone (sternum), usually towards the bottom of the chest wall

  • Difficulty swallowing, a feeling that an obstruction in the lower chest wall is making it hard for food to pass through to the stomach

  • Heartburn

  • Chronic burping


Suggestions for a Home Gym



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