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Natural Health Solutions

Loving My Cork Yoga Blocks


If you’re into yoga blocks to aid with various poses and stretching techniques, I highly recommend looking into natural cork blocks that have thicker dimensions than most EVA foam options. Read more


Organic Mattress Reviews: Silk & Snow, Essentia Tatami, and Essentia Stratami

Over the years, many have asked me to recommend a mattress that is well suited for those looking to optimize their sleep.

As most might imagine, it's exceedingly difficult to recommend one mattress type for everyone since individual needs vary according to health history, current health status, and if one is sharing a bed with another person or sleeping solo.

With that said, I had the opportunity to test 3 different organic mattresses over the past 12 months and am happy to share my findings.

1. Silk & Snow Organic Mattress Read more


Effective Ways To Ward Off Dementia

Over the years, I've found that many people who don't have experience with a loved one developing dementia are unaware that Alzheimer's and other types of dementia are typically indirect causes of death.

The example I often share is that someone with dementia may not be able to understand or convey to caretakers that they are having pain on urination - left untreated, a urinary tract infection can eventually lead to sepsis and death. Read more


Gymnastics and Yoga Mats for Mobility Work


A number of readers have asked about the large mats that I do much of my mobility work on. The thicker one is a gymnastics mat, the kind that has four sections that allow for the mat to be folded together for portability. Details can be found at the following pages: Read more


Whole-House Steam Humidifier

For those who tend to have health issues related to living in dry air over winter months, I highly recommend looking into a whole-house steam humidifier. Most entry-level whole-house humidifiers employ a pad that tends to dry out and become ineffective within a year or two. Units that generate actual steam that enters central duct work are more efficient in raising relative humidity to a comfortable level, and are more durable than units that use humidifier pads.

This is a unit by Aprilaire that I've been happy with: Read more


Winter Cleanse


Traditional cleansing programs that call for freshly pressed juices, raw foods, and even room temperature water with lemon juice, maple syrup, and pepper may work for most people when the weather is warm, but how do you experience an effective cleanse without feeling exceedingly cold and frail during late fall, winter, and early spring? Read more


How to Make Your Own Strep Throat, Cold and Flu Tonic


In experimenting with a number of tonics over the years, I've whittled my favourites down to a simple concoction of six ingredients that are highly effective in offering protection against strep throat, colds and flu.

Here's what you need to make this simple and highly effective sore throat, cold, and flu tonic: Read more


What To Do? Thoughts on COVID.

It's become clear to me that there are many among our readership who wish to know exactly where I stand on COVID and varying mandates that are popping up around the world.

Given that this newsletter goes out to somewhere around 90 thousand people globally, you might imagine that whenever I share thoughts on any contentious issues, I receive countless passionate responses, typically split evenly between the world's growing partisan divide. Read more


Try This For Chronic Back Pain and Stiffness

If you have chronic or recurrent back pain and stiffness, it may be that shortened hamstrings are creating a constant downward pull on your pelvis which could be causing compensatory biomechanics within your lumber and thoracic spinal regions, manifesting as pain and/or stiffness. Read more


Hanging Bar For A Home Gym


This is a portable hanging bar that I use to keep my shoulders and spine healthy with a variety of hanging, gym ring, TRX suspension, and swing yoga exercises. Read more




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