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Natural Health Solutions

Masks, Hats, and Sleeves to Protect Against Sunburn

Updated on May 6, 2019

When I was 19, I developed a skin depigmentation disorder called vitiligo, something I've written about on a few occasions over the years.

Now in my 40s, I have come to embrace the many life lessons that living with vitiligo has gifted me. As I'm guessing others can attest to, when one is markedly different in physical appearance, every moment spent around others is an opportunity to be more than just our outer shell. Every moment also offers the potential of meeting those who treat others for who they are, not just what they appear to be. Read more


How to Build and Maintain Healthy Bones

Updated on December 3, 2018

Conventional advice to take a thousand or more milligrams of synthetic calcium along with a few other micronutrients daily is woefully inadequate because it fails to take into account individual differences and the many facets of diet and lifestyle that affect skeletal health. Read more


A Fun Game that Improves Balance, Core Strength, and Joint Position Sense

Here's a simple game that you can do anywhere with a soft belt or rope or anything similar that you and a partner can wrap around your waists and be connected with each other.

Have each person wrap one end of the belt around the waist so that the belt takes on an "S" shape. Each person should hold on to his or her end of the belt with the hand on the side where the belt ends, right along the side of the waist. Read more


Hanging Stretches for Improved Shoulder Mobility

Assuming that you can comfortably use your arms overhead, you can further improve your shoulder strength and mobility by doing the hanging stretches in this video.

The main idea is to allow your shoulders to stretch and move through their natural range of motion while they are gently distracted i.e. while your arms are being gently pulled away from your shoulder sockets. Read more


Natural Ways to Treat Wrist and Elbow Pain

Link to Flex Bar used in this routine:

When looking to overcome wrist and elbow pain, a good first step is to identify its root cause. Read more


How to Make Your Own Variable-Speed Percussion Massaging Tool



Universal Adaptor for a Jigsaw:

Lacrosse Ball:

Please note that I do not know if the universal adaptor listed above can fit into any jigsaw. Read more


Hopes for 2018

I hope that 2018 is off to a positive start for you and those you are closest to. I love the rollover to a new calendar year for the feelings of hope and energy that it tends to bring out in many of us.

For the past few years, we've made it a ritual to write letters to ourselves, to be opened on January 1st of the next year. I posted a photo of the sealed envelope that housed our letters from January 1st of 2017 and that we excitedly opened yesterday at my Instagram account: Read more


Five Foods For A Healthy Digestive System

If you're experiencing bloating, belching, abdominal discomfort, or any other symptoms of an overburdened digestive tract, you may benefit from including one or more of the following foods in your diet - all are rich in nutrients that are particularly important to the health of your digestive system. Read more


Exercises for Pain and Stiffness in the Hands

This video provides a look at mobility exercises that can be used to support healthy elbows, forearms, wrists, and fingers.

Please be sure to turn the volume up on the video itself, which you can do via the volume control section along the bottom of the video screen, as well as the volume on your viewing device. Read more


Cherry Smoothies To Combat Arthritis

Cherries have long been used to sooth chronically inflamed joints. In my experience, cherries aren't consistently effective in helping cases of degenerative arthritis, but when used in conjunction with a dairy-free diet, I find that they can significantly reduce joint pain caused by metabolic-type arthritides like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthropathy. Read more




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