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Exercises for Mobility and Functional Strength

Mobility Exercises You Can Do In Bed

This is a mobility exercise routine that most can comfortably do while in bed.

Begin with ankle circles while supine, clockwise and counter-clockwise. Follow this up by alternating between plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. Read more


Suggestions for a Home Gym

Most Helpful Movements for Common Shoulder Issues

This is a look at a series of helpful exercises for those who have rotator cuff issues. Most mild to moderate cases of bursitis, adhesive capsulitis, and various forms of impingement can be overcome by improving shoulder and spinal mobility using the exercises shown here.

It's always prudent to consult with your own health care providers before trying any program of care. Read more


A Simple Technique to Open Up Stiff Hips

Updated on May 17, 2019

A number of people who have gone through other videos that I've done on hip mobility have mentioned feeling restricted deep within their hip joints while trying to rotate their hips.

This video demonstrates a technique that can help restore joint mobility while lengthening shortened muscles and tendons that inhibit natural range of motion. Read more


A Simple Routine to Improve Balance and Ankle Mobility

To build upon the ankle plantar flexion stretch that I shared earlier, here is a short routine of 3 mobility exericses that I enjoy doing to improve ankle mobility:

Ankle Raises While on Balls of Feet:

Ankle raises are excellent for strengthening your calf muscles and Achilles tendon, and for warming up all of the soft tissues that surround your ankle joints. Ankle raises are also helpful for developing balance and proprioception. Read more


A Simple Way to Improve Shoulder and Back Mobility

To improve shoulder and upper back mobility, lie face-up with your head slightly off the end of a bed and let your arms hang freely above your head.

Once you’re comfortable in this position, slowly take your arms through a small arc as though you are making a snow angel - you can do this several times to warm up your shoulder joints. Read more


Protect Your Back By Lengthening Your Hamstrings

Short hamstrings and even short calves can contribute to intermittent back pain and stiffness, as a shortened posterior chain creates a constant downward pull on the pelvis, predisposing the tissues that surround the spine to sprains and strains.

With most of us sitting for many hours each day with our posterior chain contracted, it's highly worthwhile to stretch the hamstrings and calves on a daily basis. Read more


For Foot Pain and Stiffness

In sharing a recent post on what to do for stiff hands, several readers asked for suggestions for foot pain and stiffness. I shared a short video on foot and toe exercises last week, which is re-posted below. Also embedded below is a video that demonstrates how another person can mobilize your feet. I hope these resources are helpful. Read more


Hand Grip Strength - One of the Best Indicators of Health-Related Quality of Life in Old Age

Over the past year, I've noticed an increasing stream of studies that point to hand grip strength as a strong indicator of health-related quality of life in old age. This aligns with mounting evidence that one of the best things we can do to preserve our health as we age is to develop and maintain muscle tissue and the physical strength that it affords. Read more


A Collection of Band Exercises to Improve Shoulder Mobility and Stability

This post offers a collection of my favourite band exercises for improving shoulder mobility and stability.

If you've dislocated a shoulder in the past, please be conservative with any exercises you try, and after clearing things with your physician, you might start with those that have your arms no higher than chest level. Over time, as your shoulders feel stronger and more mobile, you can gradually work your arms overhead. Read more




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