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Mobility Exercise Routines

Stick Mobility Exercises

This video demonstrates some movement patterns that you can do with a long stick or dowel.

Using a stick to take your shoulders through these and other movements can help you identify and work through restrictions in joint mobility. Read more


How to Work on the Transition from Pull-up to Dip during a Strict Muscle-Up

In learning how to do a strict muscle-up (pull-up to dip and back down), for many, including myself, the most challenging part is transitioning from the top of the pull-up phase to the starting position of a dip.

This is the most effective way that I have found to work on learning the mechanics and developing the strength needed to smoothly transition from pull-up to dip during a strict muscle-up. Read more


Mobility Exercise Progressions for Upper Body Strength

Day 6: Upper Body Strength

Leaning Rows:

Seated Dips:

Core-Centered Push-ups:

How to Develop Your False Grip for Ring Work: Read more


Mobility Exercise Progressions for the Lower Extremities and Hips

DAY 1: Mobility of Lower Extremities and Hips

Ankle Raises:

Ankle Plantar Flexion Stretch:

Squatted Seiza:

Ankle Dorsiflexion: Read more


Mobility Exercise Progressions

Before taking your body through mobility exercises, I think it's helpful to foam roll all of your major muscle groups. If you can use a specific foam rolling routine to follow, please feel free to have a look at the basic regimen that I do daily:

Foam Rolling Routine Read more


Strengthening Exercises for Knee Pain

One of the keys to addressing knee pain and stiffness is to improve functional strength of the muscles that control knee extension and flexion.

This video demonstrates simple variations of the basic squat that are highly effective for improving functional strength of the knees.

The idea is to begin sitting on a stable surface, and to do the following squats:

1. Basic Squat on two feet. Read more




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