Excellent for developing hip flexor strength, seated pike pulses are done while seated, legs together and straight out in front on the ground, toes pointed, hands on either side of of the ground beside your legs for support, and then lifting your feet off the ground and pulsing up and down to whatever degree you can. Read more
Arch and Hollow holds are stapes in the gymnastics world, both highly effective for improving functional core strength and spinal mobility.
For Arch, start prone and lift your legs and arms off the ground at the same time. Squeeze your buttocks and try to keep the front of your thighs off the ground. Strive to keep your scapulae contracted toward one another as you keep your arms and head off the ground. Read more
Lying supine with your buttocks resting on the backs of your hands, keep your legs straight and together with toes pointed, and raise them up toward your head, then lower them back toward the ground in a controlled manner but try not to let them touch the ground. Work your way up to ten repetitions per set. Read more
This is a simple spinal mobility routine that is effective for warming up all of the tissues in and around your spine. I would suggest following this or a similar routine before doing any other type of exercise to reduce risk of sprains and strains throughout the back. Read more
If you can use a go-to healthy dessert recipe for any occasion, you have to give this banana cream pie a try. Not only is it mouthwateringly good, it's super simple to put together - all you need are ripe bananas, a bit of maple syrup, and some unroasted, unsalted almonds.
Start by peeling four to six ripe bananas. Read more
If you haven't yet come across the following video that captures the reunion between Christian the lion and his adoptive parents, John Rendall and Ace Bourke, I encourage you to have a look here:
In late winter of 2012 when our boys were 6 and 4, we spent a couple of days at an indoor resort that happened to be hosting the Under-14 Provincial Tennis Championship for Ontario. What an eye-opening experience it was to see 13 and 14 year-olds playing at such a high level, displaying many of the skills and competitive spirit that one might see on the pro tour. Read more
4 medium Yukon gold potatoes
5 tablespoons of melted butter or vegan margarine
1/3 cup of extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of chopped fresh thyme or 1 flat teaspoon of dried thyme
1 flat teaspoon of sea salt
Freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
A pair of chopsticks Read more