Often used in gymnastics, Around the World is an effective way of improving spinal mobility and hamstring flexibility.
Each time you bend down to your side or straight forward, when you reach the end of your natural range, gently bounce two or three times to induce a little more downward movement. Read more
In learning how to do a strict muscle-up (pull-up to dip and back down), for many, including myself, the most challenging part is transitioning from the top of the pull-up phase to the starting position of a dip.
This is the most effective way that I have found to work on learning the mechanics and developing the strength needed to smoothly transition from pull-up to dip during a strict muscle-up. Read more
Dorsiflexion describes flexing your ankle joint up toward your head - it's the opposite of plantar flexion, which is what your ankles do when you stand on your tip toes.
Your ankles dorsiflex with every step you take, be it while walking or running. Ankle dorsiflexion is what allows your toes to clear the ground as your back leg swings in front of you and your heel touches the ground to begin your next stride. Read more
Before taking your body through mobility exercises, I think it's helpful to foam roll all of your major muscle groups. If you can use a specific foam rolling routine to follow, please feel free to have a look at the basic regimen that I do daily: