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Tips For Staying Healthy With A Desk Job

Let’s begin our look at how to stay healthy while spending hours at a desk by addressing your foundation. Unless you have a health condition that makes it difficult to sit for a long period of time, your foundation while working at a desk is likely your pelvis, which serves as a base for your spinal column, which in turn provides protective housing for your nervous system, which serves as the primary highway of information traffic that allows you to do and feel all that you do. Read more


Nutritional Considerations For Regular Computer Users

Part one of this series on Tips For Staying Healthy With A Desk Job described the essentials of taking care of your physical health with specific exercises and being mindful of how you use your body throughout the day. Read more


Music for Health: Gravity, by Sara Bareilles

A lovely ballad by Sara Bareilles for anyone looking for strength to say good bye. Read more


How to Make Healthy Energy Balls

Far healthier than almost any energy bar that you can buy in a store, these energy balls are full of vitamins, minerals, and natural compounds that are perfect for providing a quick boost of energy.

Because these energy balls are made out of fiber-rich whole foods, eating just one or two can be surprisingly filling - quite the contrast when you consider that most folks have no trouble eating half a dozen or more mini-donuts in one sitting. Read more


How To Make Healthy Pecan Pie

If pecan pie is on your mind, you and your guests will love this raw and healthy version. It's loaded with healthy protein, healthy fatty acids, fiber, and a number of bone-building minerals. Unlike most traditional pie recipes, this one is completely free of dairy, gluten, and processed sugar. Enjoy! Read more


Mindful Filling of Our Souls

Originally published about four years ago when our boys were 5 and 3.

One of the great joys of my life these days is getting to hear original thoughts that come rolling out of our boys.

A personal favorite came about when our older son, Joshua, asked about the origin of his belly button. After going through my anatomy atlas and discussing the roles of the umbilical cord and placenta, Margaret asked, "So why do you have a belly button?" To which Joshua's immediate reply was: "Because you cut the hose off!" Read more


Handy Everyday Tools

Over the weekend, I compiled some of handiest everyday tools that I have purchased from Amazon over the past few years. If you give any of the following items a try, I hope you'll use our contact form to let me know what you think. Read more


Music for Health: I Choose You, by Sara Bareilles

Talk about a voice that can take you places. Please do your soul a favour and enjoy this one while seated or lying down, eyes closed, and with the best quality earphones you have access to. I have to believe that even the weariest of souls will find this divine. Thank you Sara Bareilles. Read more


Natural Sleep Aid For Babies

Back when our firstborn, Joshua, was about six months old and had trouble getting to sleep without one of us holding him, we resorted to the universal remedy of strapping him into his car seat and going for a long drive. Read more


Our Knobby Therapeutic Foam Roller

If you've been following our site for a while now, you likely know how much I value using a foam roller to keep muscles and ligaments healthy and well perfused with blood. In my experience, having a foam roller is almost as good as having your own personal massage therapist. You can use a roller to apply therapeutic massage to just about any muscle group. And if you combine foam rolling with stretching all of your major muscle groups, you can expect to be highly flexible and decrease risk of injuries that come about from "brittle" muscles and ligaments that are congested with waste materials and lacking optimal blood flow. Read more

